Here are some beautiful reflections and testimonies that we've received from some of our most inspiring members around the world.
We are 1 Million+ Strong and counting! It’s super easy to join the largest and most inspiring movement for Black women's health. If you haven't done so already, please visit GirlTREK.org to join the movement.
You keep the movement lifted up, and for that, we are so grateful.
How has lacing up your sneakers and walking helped transform your life? Click HERE to share your story with us.
Have more questions? Email our Community Care Team at info@girltrek.org.
Thanks for loving the movement.
To God be the Glory🙌🏽. THANK YOU!! I have been so busy and unable to walk with you ladies on Saturdays, but God saw fit for me to be available to join this morning and Morgan you said it right - this morning’s walk was POWERFUL!! Thank you soooo much Vanessa & Morgan for all you do. Continued blessings and keep shining your beautiful lights. With love & looking forward to walking with you again for another Black History Bootcamp- Raette
Just a note to say how great you ladies are, especially the leaders that started the movement (forgive me if I get it wrong Morgan and Vanessa?) I signed up for your newsletter because I love what you are doing for our community, however, I can't walk very far regularly, arthritis. I am energized constantly by you though and I just wanted you to know. Also, I am a person of lived experience of over four decades and lend my story to illustrate our plight. Your check-in this month, Black August, brings tears to my eyes. And the back up resources for those of us who need...beautiful. I recently finished a memoir and gave a wishlist for healing in our community and YOU are fulfilling parts of my dream minutes after completion. To just care for one another or if you can start those initiatives for healing. I just didn't know. Wow! I have smiles and tears.
I love you sis' Jacquese
I love the GirlTREK Underground App! It motivates me to get out and I love seeing the testimonials at the end of my walk. Thanks GirlTrek. You are the soundtrack of my healing and of my summer. Love y’all-Mary
Good morning. I have been following GirlTrek for a couple of years. But this morning was the first time that I've been able to walk live with you. I'm visiting my daughter and grandson in NC and planning to move here soon. Last fall I had double bypass surgery followed by sepsis. I didn't think that I was going to make it, but God. I really didn't want to leave my home in Virginia to move here. But I'm getting older and the time is right. While walking, I finally felt peace about moving. I even passed a small house and claimed it as my own. Please keep doing what you are doing. Even though I was walking alone, I felt the power and kinship of walking with my sisters. It was such a powerful feeling, I had to tell you. Thank you for making a real difference in the world. - Waltena
I LOVE GirlTREK as it's helping me to slowly change my world and the world around me. Though I'm in Portugal and alone a lot, I still believe in and practice our mission. I'm writing to say that I LOVED today's reflections by the young lady, Vanessa! She not only inspired and encouraged me, but I actually felt loved on by her. I appreciate both you featuring her and her speaking forth the blessings that she did upon hearing ears! Thank you for being here, for lifting us up as women and specifically, as Black women who are aspiring to heal from our traumas. As we heal, we are able to reach out and help other women heal. That in turn, teaches and leads us all, to help one other learn to be healthy in mind, body, soul and spirit. Thank you, GirlTREK! - Darmel
I was inspired by your courage to stand up for and with black women, I always believe we have different struggle and it’s ongoing. With that said I’ve encouraged some of my ladies in and around to gather at 10:00 and walk! It’s for our healing, inspiration and for this precious gift of life!! - Cynthia
"I want to stay thank you. I made a post about your challenge and haven't been on socials since. I did do a walk on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and Pilates on Wednesday. Thank you ladies for inspiring us and providing community. You sparked a revolution in me that saved my life during the pandemic. " - Shimira
"Thank you sooo much for the info on the early morning walk. Ladies I admire you and I am so pleased to be a member and participate in WeAre Harriet." - Gloria
"My team at “Holidays for Black Folks” is happy to be members of GirlTrek! We have made it our business to promote the celebration of holidays that are reflective of the culture and heritage of Black people in America. Harriet Tubman Day is one of our marquis holidays and we love GirlTrek for the commitment we have made to celebrating our shero, Harriet Tubman!
We are hosting a virtual Harriet House Party and we will be on the roll call! One of our representatives, Kishia Murray, will be attending the in person event at your Washington, DC office.
Thank you so very much for creating this vehicle that allows us to take part in this beautiful work to help extend the lives of Black Women everywhere!
Happy Day of Harriet from your sisters at Holidays for Black Folks!
Peace & Love" - Queen Adria
"Thank you for the sunrise walk! I did not snap a photo of myself but felt, check that, feel invigorated! Then I read in 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20, that my body is the temple of God! Amazing!" - Thomasina
"Yeeeeeees. When we come together. The Woman of this World with the Spirit of Transformation & Restoration. I love you all for your Soul Obedience." - Markeisha
"Thank you for your prompt reply about me ordering a GirlTrek T-shirt. I love how you share information on social media follow you on Facebook.
Keep doing what you're doing extremely well and empowering women in positive ways!!
Much appreciated, Love you ladies & continue blessings!!" - Janette
"🎉🎊 Good Victory Lap Day GirlTREK!🚶🏿♀️💙👟 I feel so wonderful about all that I have accomplished despite the challenges. I was not defeated! Looking forward to 2024. The call today was so motivating and I felt a part of this beautiful movement. Happy to hear about the focus and intentional for our sisters and girls in the South. I have family in Orangeburg, SC so this is heartfelt for me. GREATER for the sisterhood is our destination.There is GOOD NEWS all around GirlTREK. Prayerful Rest and Nurture my dreams is what I heard for me today and I so embrace it!" - Annette
"I don’t know if anyone will see this but just in case…
THANK YOU GIRLTREK! Thank you Vanessa and Morgan. Thank you for answering the call. Thank you for your vision and mission. Thank you to all staff members, workers, volunteers and contributors! Thank you for your persistence, selflessness and consistency.
If no one has told you…YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY MAKING A DIFFERENCE in my life, the lives of black women, black families and the world at large.
Secondly, this prayer/email today was so powerful.
You have touched the world and the ripple effects will be lasting and impactful for generations to come.
May God return to you a thousand fold all that you’ve poured out and sacrificed. May He richly bless you and yours…
In Jesus’ name." - Kennitha
"I'm not sure if this is proper protocol, but I just had to write because your story ... your challenge with hyperthyroidism ... resonates with me. LIke you, my body had experienced havoc. I clearly remember experiencing a breakout and I cried day and night. Fortunately, I worked from home (pre=covid) so I was able to mask my sadness and despair between needing to engage with colleagues or clients remotely. I felt like my body was eating itself. An avid runner, I could no longer run longer than a minute. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. And, the excessive sweat ... which, to some, probably resembled early menopause ... and brittle, thinning hair were just the worst.
Ten years later, and I'm STILL battling this disease, but with many more breakups under my belt, excessive weight and a hopelessness that lingers around me like a long-lost friend.
Sis, I applaud you for your vigilance in informing yourself, feeding your soul and truly taking care of your body" - Rhonda
"I have started taking black women clients now on walk and talk therapy instead of sitting in a office. I hope to inspire other therapists to do the same. I will donate to your cause." - Anne
"I read todays message from you and was so moved. So, I went back to my first email from GirlTrek and realized I had been receivejnhvrjem for over 3 years.....
It has taken 3 years for me to have my ah-ha moment. Please don't stop sending messages....it takes a while sometimes to hear you! - Lakisha
"I’m smiling over here because I reversed my A1C numbers over the last several months. My doctor had immediately suggested meds. I said no. Give me time to re-set (I was recovering from a fractured pelvic bone and hadn’t been able to exercise for about 3-4 months) I said I’ll work on my diet and get back into my exercise routine, which are the two best things we can do for high glucose (diabetes). I went from 6.5 which is considered diabetic, to 5.9. My doctor was pleased, but not as much as I was.
We CAN do it-if we put our minds to it!" - Joni
"When I say this is right on time!!!! It's 3:56am and cannot peacefully get off to sleep, mind bullying me. The past haunting me. I've been on this journey for a while now, but I am just now getting to the root of a lot of trauma and it's a lot. Especially because I'm still dealing with things in the same manner.
Idk what made me click on this email and read every word, but I'm glad I did. Thank you for sharing your story." - Ebony
"Thank you for all your inspiration during my 7 years with Girl Trek. I am in th Delaware Crew with a wonderful group of women. Although I do solo walks with my dog Precious most days I love the sisterhood. I am 63 my oldest sister passed at 57, my middle sister at 16 and my sister 5 years older than me at 52. I thank God first everyday for opening my eyes an the Girltrek when I lace up my golden shoelaces. Thank you and enjoys all your coming years." - Judy
"I just returned home from my 2nd round of radiation. I completed my 4 rounds of chemo on the 18th of August. I learned of my tumor/mask in March. My primary doctor as well as my cardiologist release me to travel to visit my Granddaughter and family in Federal Way, Washington. I had no idea that I would receive the diagnosed of Uterine Cancer on my 58th birthday Stage 1.
Surgery was a total hysterectomy less than a month later, a port placed in my upper right shoulder on the 6th of June. Then my first round of Chemo 7 ½ hours. God is faithful. I am positive and somewhat amazed how much my faith has increased since this journey.
Now radiation. It is called Bracy therapy. I am learning so much through this journey. I loss my hair on the 2nd round. My friend and neighbor Verna made an appointment with her barber and he made me beautiful. My bald head is a reminder of how quickly life can change and how we cope with it.
My Open Heart Surgery on 2/24/22 was a corrective birth defect. I was told that I was a miracle because the doctors did not know to look outside the heart. My heart surgery Right Coronary Artery was on the opposite side of my heart. I celebrated my year 2/24-23.
As a Black Women in her late 50s I must say that I just learning to take care of my health. My 29 year old daughter has already begun taking care of herself. It is my hope that my Granddaughter will learn and not have to repeat any of this health history.
Please keep doing what you are doing." - Gwenell
"I arrived home just in time to hear mom informing my brother, that she had not order anything. I shared an explanation about why she received the box from GirlTrek. I expressed to mom, that she made the extra effort to walk with me on Juneteenth. Once the box was opened, I was surprised to see
all the different wearables. You really honored my 97 year old mother. Mom was very surprised and pleased.
Thank you for putting a smile on moms face, Michele, daughter of Lulu Eady, Granddaughter of Marion Eames, Great Granddaughter of Maria."
- Marie
"I have been trying to “earn” my golden shoe laces! Unfortunately, I have not walked 5 consecutive days all summer. In fact, I may have only walked 5 days each month all summer. I won’t make any excuses. I’m a 67 year old Breast Cancer Survivor who is fully aware of my need for exercise. I did do yoga all summer. 😊 I have wanted a pair of your golden shoe laces, but more importantly, I just want to get back to walking regularly. I have decided to try Girl Trek’s 30 Day Challenge (21 walks in 30 days) this September. I’m taking it “one day” at a time. I’m doing it for my mind, body, and spirit. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you for your encouraging emails." - Barbara
"I am very appreciative of the communications flow with the dedicated reps at GirlTrek who diligently picked up the baton and carried the conversation to the next level at each turn." - Marci
"Losing my beautiful 23 year old son. His heart stopped. I found him. I've used walking and listening to Girltrek to survive." - Cali Trekker - Regene
"I am proud of you all for everything you put in to the whole year of dedication to the Girls in the community. I can see that you are the Shero we have been looking for in this season God bless all of you!" - Ernestine
"I apologize for just getting this email opened. But God already knew. I purposely walked with our great grand daughter this week and enjoying her presence has been a gift. I honor the strength of the women who came before me and I wish I had their stories. Keep doing what you doing. We need you. And the stories you share." - Jo Ann
"Hey GirlTrek, Next week I’m running the NYC Marathon, and it’s because of you. I just wanted the say thank you. Regardless of whether or not I finish, I recovered from a terrible back injury with my first steps - gingerly taken - listening to Black History Boot Camp - taken around my back yard." - Deidre
"OMG Morgan I love this! I have seen Harriet Tubman movie so many times, I LOVE to watch her and see all that she has accomplished. This will motivate me to walk this week and remember her model of leadership she left behind." - Sandra
"Awesome morning walk & story of our "great mother" 🙏🏽🥊🥊🙏🏽" - Stephne
"I absolute love your calling and the walk that you’re walking to inspire millions. Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. I hear you. This work is important. I salute you." - Latorial
- Angela
"The message this morning as truly touched my heart. I am committed to walk for everyone." - Lillian
"Good Morning Morgan, thank you for this . I want to share it with the women in my life especially my daughter. I know this will bring a ray of sunshine to someone’s life, it did mine." - April
Good Morning,
Now this is wonderful news. I pray all goes well and the nomination is accepted for Harriet Tubman-Davis to receive the award. What an honor for GirlTrek to be in attendance. Watching history from the front lines. I love this. Thanks so much for sharing." - Alexis
"Very inspirational. I love to walk almost daily and will do so today. And by the way, I will be walking alone, meditating, and giving thanks for the greatness of Harriet Tubman. Girl Trek Walker, 10 years" - Betty
"Good Afternoon Morgan,
What an incredible and inspiring message.
Harriet Tubman was my hero as a child.
Thank you for bringing me back to that with this modern day metaphor of what she did and how the principles apply today.
Your insights were incredible. Thank you for today's inspiration!
"Hi Morgan,
Thank you for your poignant message. Just reading it inspired me to get up and go for a walk. Yes, in the middle of the day! I've always be inspired and intrigued by Harriet's story. When I am challenged I say, "if Harriet could do what she did (with limited formal education, health issues, limited experience, etc.) then certainly I can do this...whatever this is.
I also appreciate the quotes: In the 12th Century, Saint Francis Assisi admonished his followers, “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” Let’s make our walking our preaching. Not just putting one foot in front of the other, but as the great Thich Nhat Hanh said, let’s each make our lives our message. Being patient with the ones we love and, through the abundance and overflow of our own daily walk, bring them on the journey to their own freedom, wellness and enlightenment.
Feeling grateful!
My friend and I walk 8K to 10K a day.
From Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Be safe, be well.
Respectfully" - Juliet
Dear Ms. Dixon and Ms. Garrison:
I joined GirlTREK prior to the pandemic. I had been physically disabled, since 1998, with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. The symptoms started in 1993. In 2010 and 2011, I underwent bilateral breast mastectomy and reconstruction as a result of Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Needless to say, for many, many years, I was lethargic.
Prior to joining GirlTREK, I had walked enough to be taken off high-blood pressure medication. Once I joined GirlTREK, it sparked that athletic fire with which I grew up. I completed several of the challenges offered and walked enough to receive my golden shoe laces and my Harriet Tubman medallion.
After achieving these goals, I was ignited to walk in three local 5-K competitions. The last one was a Marine Corps League walk. I placed third. Each race I reduced my time. Also, while being very active with GirlTREK, I became an Auxiliary Member of the local hospital. I participated with other believers (of Jesus), who sang and ministered to the residents of the local nursing homes.
I disclose the aforementioned information as a testament to how walking, along with other self-help and spiritual growth has brought my life back into alignment.
I am in need of another t-shirt, as I have proudly worn and taken photos in mine at the Cape Hatteras lighthouse, on the OBX beach, and all around the towns and cities of Virginia. :-)
My walking quest diminished during the pandemic. Also, our responsibilities to our beloved mother increased. However, Since her passing in May of 2022, my brother and I are continuing our journey to better health through walking.
Thank you for all that you do for our women! I am sharing a link to what I have been doing since the end of June 2023. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. God Bless and respectfully submitted" - Mabel Janet
"Good Morning! That message was OUTSTANDING! It had my heart jumping, my spirit rattling and my eyes flowing with tears of total understanding. I am a sister from born and reside in Brooklyn NY. New Retiree, and just recently started walking. May God continue to bless you magnificently. I will join you, with your challenges soon, as I adjust to my new lifestyle changes. Thanks for this early morning, call to excellence." - Genee’
"And you saved me to today Morgan. Blessings
P-I give praise to God for you and Vanessa and the whole GirlTrek Nation.
R-I repent for the days I could have walked and did not because that is my time of prayer
A-I ask for strength and fortitude in my body to walk again as I live with dis-ease that makes it painful to walk like I used to.
Y-I yield the ways and wisdom of my Ancestors, and my elder brother Yeshua who by the power of God and the work of the Afrikan Holy Ghost and the Orisha walked to freedom body, mind, spirit and circumstance and who continue to walk with me.
I not only believe God for, I am participating in my own salvation through liberative acts of self-care not in isolation but in community with Black Women who know WE ARE THE SALVE and must attend to our own wounds first. Amen and Ase, Ase, Ase Oooooooo
#blackloveislife." - Rhonda
"These prayers are very empowering. Things will get better as my father always said, "Everything will be alright". Having your strong faith it sounds as if you are on your way. Where would we be without our powerful women friends? Bless your heart! - Ann
"This is The Single Most BEAUTIFUL Testimony I’ve been Blessed to hear on THIS DAY! Thank you for sharing, Thank you for continuing to lift US up and Thank you for supporting Our Need to be Seen and Heard as Sisters! But God! Be well Sisters!" - Val
"Amen! SO historic, epic, and beautifully poetic! (I got chills and teared up!) I’m moved by your faith, optimism, perseverance and the way God is moving to put all these pieces in place for you both to help so many move forward in positive, healthy, and deeply healing ways!! Keep it up ladies, you and your teams and all those walking are making amazing impacts!👏👏💗🙏" - Julie
"Congratulations! So excited for you and what’s to come! I’m honored you are sharing this incredible journey with us! Your encouragement and dedication have helped to transform my life !❤️" - Kimberly
"I absolutely love what you said, and what you’re doing. This is beautifully explained. God is love. Everybody’s God. Every faith or no faith. And we definitely need more love. Thank you for this. I’m keeping it to re-read many times!" - Kelly
"I attended my first welcome walk with Maleika W., Organizer from the OC Sole Sisthas! oh what a Beautiful Morning!" - Linda
"Wow! I’m so inspired by your intentionality and moxie! I can’t wait to visit! 🤍 Moxie on." - Kristi
"This is awesome! Thanks so much!!! My spirit needed it and my soul says yes!" - fd
"Thanks for offering all the positive information regarding GirlTREK, I am an eighty year old lady who started receiving emails from you long before the pandemic. I invested in a Fitbit watch and began walking by myself. I applaud all the technical coaching you present, keep up the good word." - Mary
How refreshing this post was for me. I grew up in Seattle. Went to Garfield high and and have returned as often as possible only to have my heart broken by the gentrification of the CD.
I took my children back to show them my old neighborhood and share the memories of growing up in Seattle. My earliest childhood memories were of living in the projects called Rainier Vista It no longer exists I didn’t check but was told that my elementary school, Columbia no longer exists either. I went to Asa Mercer junior high school but didn’t get a chance to go see if it’s still standing. We moved to 15th and Union later and then to 32nd and Marion. I’ll be back there soon and hopefully I’ll still have some great memories." - Lezli
"This was the best email I've received. It spoke of what's going in NOW. It spoke of Black people standing for rights NOW. Good news. Thank you Seattle. Thank you #GirlTrek. 💪🏽" - Birdie
"Thank you so much for reminding me how resilient and strong is the human spirit. Your story of triumph and struggle encourages me to continue the work here in my Harlem community. As we continue to move ever forward and to reclaim the narrative of black wholeness, the story of uplift our community from the ashes of urban removal of the 1960s remains. Our story is not finished. The struggle continues. Thank you. An encouraged sister!" - Flyers
"Thank you so much for your story, our story, a story told far too many times, in too many “Seattles” across this “country”……Black folks story of sorrow and resilience, of horror and hope, of legacy and love…..thank you for your story, I needed to hear it today…..Ase, Ase, and so it is!!" - Arlene
"THIS is exactly what I needed to read in the midst of the Alabama "brawl" memes that I am seeing everywhere. The story you tell of your old hood sounds like what is happening to my old hood in Philadelphia where my mom and sister still live (we get phone calls to sell weekly 🤬). As a Black female techy I am proud of what you are doing!!!! Keep it up!!!!✊🏽" - Lisa
Sis, I am so proud of you! I remember when GirlTrek was an aspiration of yours back when we crossed paths at Our Place DC. Can never thank you enough for all the support you offered when I coordinated that Open Mic event at Busboys - to share the stories of a marginalized group.
Your tenacity and deep desire to support were always at the forefront. As I was finding my own way back then, you were such a light and motivation. Thank you for walking in your calling and for empowering so many 🫶🏽. May God always grant you the grace and endurance to keep going!
Just wanted to send a note of gratitude and let you know that I have my GirlTrek t-shirt and hoodie on deck! Hope to see you at a meet up one of these days.
Thanks so much to you and the entire GirlTrek team! With love and admiration!" - Angela
"Thank you so much for sharing this, your words brought me to tears of both joy and grief. Especially "
We are fighting with our economic resources, with a spiritual grounding that is sourced from the diaspora, and with a level of joy that feels inexplicable, but is so undeniable that everyone that encounters it will have to reckon with it. ... We ain’t going nowhere now." brought much needed hope. Thank you!
Truely, Mutual Aid, Respect and Joy are our best resources for building resilience and our best tools for reclaiming, reparations and building anew out of the ashes of oppression and systemic racism. Thank you for the Hope and Joy!💕💐🌌💖" - Diana
Dear Vanessa, What a sobering and inspiring message! I have realized anew the systemic racism and damage done when Interstate 235 plowed through Des Moines, Iowa, and caused disruption to Black business and homes in the Center Street area and beyond.in the 1970's. We need reminders about this kind of disruption, especially to those of us who benefit from white privilege; I have shared some your information with my young adult biracial granddaughters." - Nancy
"These images are err’ything. For real, for real—just what my spirit looks like, didn’t know needed reflected back to me. Keep up the fun & the good work, virtual sparkles & congratulations from a Girl Trekkie (in spirit, not action) in the Nickel & Dime aka Oakland!! xoi" - Ipeleng
"I am a white grandmother, so I don’t join you for walks, but I want you to know that you greatly inspire me, and I am so glad you are supporting and encouraging women of color. God bless you all! With love!" - Anne
"Wow, just wow! Vanessa thank you for sharing and educating those of us who may have been unaware of what happened and is now transpiring in the Central District of Seattle. Peace and abundant blessings to both your cousin Chante and your brother Wyking Garrett. May you and the team continue to be encouraged every, absolutely every step of the way!
Just 1of1Million GirlTrekking"
- Rhonda
"I really honor and respect this decision. I’m so grateful for the care and intention the leadership and team at GirlTrek put into thinking about our 1 Million+ members. Thank you for showing us that it is possible to not only think about but consider, plan, and make decisions centering the most marginalized of us and continuing to dream of worlds and solutions where we can all participate and benefit. I’m so inspired by the work y’all are doing. Thank you for your time, vision, energy, and labor — it is seen and honored deeply. With so much love!" - Ash
"PREACH!! I needed to hear this! Thank you so much for sharing your heart, your insights, and what you are learning on this journey. (It is a lesson for me as I go through a thyroid condition as well.) Blessings,💖" - Julie
"Good morning, I SO needed to hear this!!! I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 3 weeks ago!!!!! My body went through a world wind and I’m just starting to get back on my feet. I have always been active until now and not having the willpower to exercise had me very Low. I’m gradually getting back and will slowly start my walking this week 🥰. Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone." - Mafia
"This is so inspirational. I have been walking with Girl Trek for a minute now. I am going a rough time but I chose to show up for me. I have weathered through many storms with the God caring me through and I won’t stop now. I will keep shining and winning." - Glendarena
"Hello, Vanessa, I am so proud of the ladies. You are truly making a difference in the lives of the community. I am too a walker Tuesday thru Saturday. My weekday consists of my walking in early morning for 1 hour 30 mins before work. On Saturday mid-morning 2 hours. I am trying to build a group of women in my community as well. I too am trying to start a GirlTrek team within the community of Fairburn; seem as if they are drawing near slowly. Yes, walking is healing for the body as well as the mind. it allows me to praise and worship outside of myself. Others get to witness the fearfulness of worshipping God out in the open. RESET, TRANSFORMATION, COMPASSION, LOVE for ourselves as women rings forth when we are giving self-care for one another because we are giving it to ourselves If your team isn't that far out I would love to joy you ladies one day. Blessings!" - Helen
"OMG nobody can inflict guilt, pain and shame on us like we can on ourselves. Been there, done that for decades which led to recurring depression... but by the Grace of God, the prayers of my GirlTrek sistahs and the strength inherited from my mama and aunties, I came out of it. I've given myself mega doses of self love and grace to live my life joyfully every day!!" - Blanca
"This first testimony blessed me something serious. Not me tearing on the subway. Thank you for your work and vision Morgan!!!" - Hollis
"Thank you for keeping me on your subscriber list. These emails inspire me more than I can articulate. I am a white ally, and have respected and appreciate your stated inclusion of Black Women only. I get it. I want you to know that this email made me cry today, as it was a much needed source of hope and demonstration of love in a world where women can be so unkind to each other. I am so grateful that Black Women can show us how to really love and support each other. And I'm not just saying that. I sincerely hope this movement continues to grow and grow and grow and transform and uplift many." - Julie J.
"I enjoyed reading this thanks…and I welcomed all pieces of myself 😊 later I will go take that walk…" - Christeen
"Vanessa, sister although I'm the smile energy and bold one outside, I had a recent experience that actually wounded my heart while simultaneously removing the scales from my eyes. It hurt me at my big old age 63. I did something I had not done on over 50 years. I got under the cover and literally cried myself to sleep. I actually felt slight ashamed to cry. Thanks for allowing us these moments, the safe spaces to be ok with showing vulnerability." - Dencham
"Hi Vanessa, I very much in support of everything you Black Queens are doing and I use to walk with you all in Tx but I am recovering from breast cancer and have not resumed my walking as of yet. Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in my prayers also. Thank you!!!" - Mae
"I so appreciate you and all that you and GirlTrek do for Black woman. I acknowledge you, hear you and see you in all of your current struggles. Knowing that God has got your back- know this too shall pass and all will be well. Affirm goodness is on its way. Bless you!" - Claire
"You ladies ROCK!!! So happy we got a chance to walk/run with you when you came to Houston earlier this year! That playlist is THE BOMB!!! Thank you so much for sending it out! And my group and I got in 5 miles at 6AM this HOT/HUMID morning here in Houston! Thank you for the emails and keep doing what you do! All the Best!" - Beverly
"I so enjoyed todays walk and talk! It was so inspiring!! I love knowing that I have a community of black womenswear fighting for similar things I am fighting for! Also that we are infusing life into one another! God bless you all for creating this wonderful experience!!" - Kimberly
"Best of luck and know there are many “old white women” who stand with you 👍🇺🇸🌹" - Jan
"I am so excited to learn of this movement and I am super charged with expectations of success for my health, the health of my sisters everywhere." - Mary
"I just have to say, my friends this was such a powerful session today!!!!!!! I needed this, WE needed this!!!!!!! I am an ally & have learned & embraced sooooo much from the Girl Trek cause ( a cause Dear to me, as I am a healthcare worker) & Black History Bootcamp podcasts. I can’t thank you enough for surging forward & making it happen, accepting the challenge & giving life & light to your dreams! Carry on, Ladies!!!!! ❤️👏👏👏" - Liz
"Principle 20: This entire email format and content is dope, but the playlists are def my fav!!! Thanks!!! - Kaili
Today's Love is the Revolution was a heartfelt message, I just wanted to send some light your way and encourage you to continue to shine bright with wisdom from our ancestors.
You are brilliant, you are loved, and you are making an impact my Love!" - Karen
"I love this offering Morgan. Thank you.💜
I have been loving my Black King for 21 years (just celebrated 20 years married in April!)
Love is truly our greatest work.
The journey has been intensely beautiful. We've walked through many storms that have beat against our house, our love, our faith.
The only reason we are still standing, still smiling, still loving is because our love, our house, our faith is founded on the Rock, who is Yeshua Jesus. His Words have kept us through the fire, and through the raging floods.
This scripture has been our war cry:
Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised. Song of Solomon 8:7.
We have healed from trauma together by the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Love has lifted us, when nothing else could help. Love is still lifting us....
I pray for your strength to keep loving and letting yourself be loved in your relationship. I pray for both of your healings to continue to be released.
I pray for your hearts to remain tender to the voice of the Spirit, Who teaches us how to love and be loved and receive love.
God bless you and keep you as you keep saying "yes" to Love.
Married to Love!" - Leah
"I’m sure this may be a do not reply email however I have to tell somebody that this is the best article I have read in a long time. From the sermon to the Coltrane’s and the GT Boo’s!
Lord how mercy… Black love is amazing and worthy to be acknowledged! THANK YOU!" - Tiffany
"Thank you for featuring a photo of my boo and I at the Mamathon Photoshoot here in Houston, Texas. We had both just about given up on love and then we found each other. God is a good god. He’s given us both what we need in a partner. We are inseparable - I am him and he is me. It’s so right when it’s real.
Bless you, Morgan and Vanessa, as your journeys continue.
All the best and all my love!" - Pamela
"In fact, this letter could be a fundraiser by itself. If you sell it, we will buy it, gift it, frame it, memorize it, love the love in and out of it and back to you in droves. Hungrily. Gratefully." - Karen
"Let me just say thank you.
I’m in a season very similar “how to stay in love” with my black husband and this newsletter encouraged me to walk alongside him as he walks through his fire. 🙌🏾 I can wait to listen to the sermon, as I love a good word from the Holy Spirit. Be blessed my sister.
Be blessed & prosperous!" - Denisa
"This is monumentally brilliant in every direction! Thank you for sharing your heart!!
I don't quite remember how I got added to this email list, and I am grateful to be here.
I have had on my heart to create a campaign of love because I also know deep in my soul that it is the line we must hold.
With so much in this world that we fight against, I believe that when we commit to a foundation of love, and put energy in that direction, we can deflect the energy of separation and fortify that of unity and humanity.
As "GO!LOVE" takes form, I will keep GirlTrek on my list of "hell yeah" organizations that are paving the way! Thank you!" - Diazina
"Peace, I have no idea if the writer will see this response BUT I had to say this entire message hits home…in my spirit…as a Black woman, as a sister, daughter, farmer, birth-worker and lover of a Black man…of Black men! Thank you for this reminder…for some more hope." - Valencia
Thank you. I hope this email finds you well. Black History Bootcamp is the blessing of blessings, it nourishes the physical, mental and spiritual.
I immediately thought of Black History Bootcamp and heard Vanessa Renee (sp?) and Morgan having a lively, soulful conversation about Sister Jessie Maple. I also thought of Vanessa Renee's new theatre in Alabama! May you all continue imparting greatness that uplifts, and positively shifts the trajectory of Black women and Black communities around the world for eternity!
To the entire GirlTrek organization that allows this blessing to come forth, THANK YOU! May you always take the time to refill, recenter and refresh. Gratefully!" - Kirste
"Thank you so much! I am super ecstatic! Thank you Vanessa and Morgan! Last Friday and Saturday June 24, 2023 I started a virtual crew. Asked two neighbors, My Sister in one state, My Sister in love in Africa, all my cousins who live in other States and a few of my friends. My neighbors walked an hour with me and everyone else walked virtually. Unfortunately, not everyone registered. Created an invite for Sacred Saturdays for the month of July!🫶🏾" - Jessica
"Good afternoon! Wow! If that's not synchronicity, I don't know what is. Believe it or not, I picked Oshun early this morning for my card of the day from my African Goddess Rising Oracle deck.😊
Have a great day!" - Gabrielle
"Today I hosted an amazing event & wanted to share our photos and a fun video! Maybe you all will see these and share one or all, enjoy!!! GirlTrek Columbia, SC and ladies who attended were from several different areas of our city.
Happy Juneteenth from GirlTrek, Columbia, SC." - Dominique
"Thank you. Thank you. I’m experiencing some health challenges. Right now, I can’t do the things I once found so easy to accomplish.
Today, I woke up wondering what I’m I suppose to do while I wait to get better. The Holy Spirit reminded me that I had saved your boot camp emails.
Reading and listening to them are truly blessing me, lifting up my spirits, taking my mind off of what I’m experiencing, encouraging me, and teaching new things. You all are doing an amazing job. May God continue to bless you as you strive to bless others. Thank you." - Deborah
"We had a great walk!🙏🏽" - Wahunter
"Good evening,
Thank you so much for keeping this up! I love the play list for today! It was perfect for my midday workout!
Blessings to you!" - Tierre
"I listen to this podcast everyday!!! It has truly Blessed me in so many ways, I am a black woman that is on a road to healing myself from life long trauma. I Thank you all for the Mission that you are doing. May you all be Blessed!!!" - Roberta
"Blessings to you and your group for helping our Black Women out when they need it the most." - Denise
"Thank You! Amen, Hallelujah..I Received This Sacred Black History Excerpt Wholeheartedly..
Mary McLeod Bethune❤🙏🏽🙌🏾🌻" - Diane
"I would love to be at a top secret black farm ." - Nadine
"Good stuff. I'm a certified Pattern Breaking Coach and you all have put yourself on the right path, when you are rejuvenated it becomes contagious to everyone, family and friends." - Kim
"Hello Vanessa & Girl Trek,
Thank you for your email message I found some comfort in reading about the recent walking journey. I recognize the name Mamie Till thanks for sharing. Soon I will be in touch." - Carrol
"Dear Vanessa,
This word was just the inspiration and encouragement that, I needed to get through this day! Thank you so much for including me. And, oh, how I would have relished a walk on the farm - picking strawberries and remembering our ancestors.
I currently reside in the state of Arizona. Although, I was born and raised in a beautiful city by the sea called, Long Beach, California. I am in Arizona. I have been in education for years: teaching K-12, college recruitment and consulting. I have three young adults in college/careers. I can't believe how fast time flew by and I am embracing my empty nest!! I enjoy baking my grandfather's cake recipes. As such I established a business, Showstoppin' Cakes N' Cookies, LLC. I bake pound cakes, german chocolate cakes, upside downs, assorted cookies and brownies. Folks are obsessed with my product; they call me The Cake Lady! This warms my heart, as I feel my grandparents smiling down on me.
In Arizona temps are raging in triple digits and I'm not hardly planning to walk nowhere, lol. Out here, we stay in the water. I take Aqua Aerobics and swim and Hip-Hop dance classes to stay active, fit and healthy. However, I will be rooting for moms across the nation who are participating in the walk on Saturday.
Please advise of future activities. Be blessed!" - Karla
"Gorilla My Love is one of my favorites, from my teen years when it was first published to these seasoned senior years!! #StaySafe" - Karen
"You were just mentioned on Tiffany the Budgetnista zoom class about starting a business. It made me smile because I am part of that group." - Michelle
"I am so excited to see GirlTrek highlighting Dr. John Francis!! His journey ignited my own, a thru-hike of the state of Michigan. His book "Planet Walker" traveled with me and I've since gifted copies to loved ones and little libraries across Detroit (where I live) to spread his message. Thanks for this! I also love this new bootcamp format. It's perfect!" - Laura
"Thank you so much Morgan for your words of truth and inspiration I am just out of the hospital can’t wait to start with little walks I’m 72 I know The Blood will Never Lose it’s Power! 🙏🏽 HAPPINESS IS A INSIDE JOB. 🐰" - Klairah
"This letter I will keep forever. I will re-read when I feel the need. You had me at God is here. I am going to hold my sister's hands, let go and let God, do my dream and sprinkle some sugar on it and we will walk. Thank you so much!!!! Sending love!" - Marilyn
"Dear Morgan and everyone at GirlTrek,
I am a 71 year old white woman who receives your beautiful messages regularly. Your words always inspire me to be a better grandmother, mother, sister, friend, and ally. You remind me how large the Sisterhood is, how large true Family is.
So I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
All blessings and grace be yours!" - Nancy
"I am so grateful for y'all. I walk and receive soul healing. Sometimes I even allow myself the gift of tears." - Jo Ann
"Yesssss!!! All praises this email was added confirmation!!! Thank you for this group girl!!! - Bri
"Morgan if there are any other events held in the Atlanta area please, let me know. Awesome write up, young. Warms my heart to know you are following your passion. Still trying to determine exactly what mine is. Definitely know it’s dealing with people less fortunate than I am. God is Good, all the time and all the time God is Good!!! 🙏🏽🌸Thanks 😊" - Barbara
"Thank you for this message! You met me right where I am today struggling to overcome yet another work related challenge that ends with my strategic, creative, appropriately curious, productive successes defined as unacceptably uncomfortable for leadership and aggressive. I am determined to keep my cortisol and mental health in check. Funny how the repetition and cyclical patterns rooted in ignorance and insecurities of others place blame and burden on my whole self. As I write and wonder, it becomes clear to me that the only hope they have of full oppression of my brilliance is by the complete compression and obliteration of my presence from the work space. Unfortunately for them, I took my calling seriously and taught my team the understanding of the path forward and the ways to advocate for self and others. My departure from the place will not mean the absence of me.
Thank you for this space to awaken some understanding for me in my brokenness and reflection this morning.🙏🏽💗
I plan to earn my new laces this month.😊 Take care!" - Kim
"Morgan, sis . . I was in Singapore and the Philippines and was sick a week after my return. Your email gave me life!

I felt the same heaviness, the same despair when Tyree was killed. The air got caught in my throat when I read about Ralph. I too was overwhelmed. My senses fighting over whether to be angry or sad. It was a tie and the fight left me flat. But this, this gives me life. If ever you wonder if what you do makes a difference (you couldn't possibly, but just in case you do mama) Know that "On today" you breathed life into Amber's spirit. I walk er'day. By myself. Because er'day, I give to my people (I am a nonprofit consultant. I teach nonprofits how to stop self-funding their organizations and diversify their funding for long-term impact and sustainability) So I NEED the Me time. I am an introvert (the real definition: when people drain you) and my Treks energize me. My mind. My body. My soul. I loved your story because OFTEN I have to be "On" for my people. To access resources for the Black-led nonprofits doing the work in our communities. I have to smile and get that money so that I can share my 30 years of nonprofit knowledge with Black leaders at no cost. Because it Costs just for us to breathe . . . Girl! you know you be speaking to me. I got my shirt last week. I'm working on those Gold Laces. I like that "open the door and walk in any direction for 15 minutes" . . . that I can do. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your belief. Thank you for your advocacy. But mostly, Thank you just for being you. You are perfect, just absolutely perfect." - Amber
"There have been so many posts and notices about the passing of Tina Turner. This message is the most beautiful one I’ve seen. Thank you! It helped me see and think of this magnificent woman in a new light." - Sharon
"Morgan - May this find you well and in good spirits. I’ve been getting emails for decades (I’m 66). This is thee best email I have ever received. Thank You. Looking forward to this GirlTrek journey." - Kim-Marie
I was having a tough morning and I decided to walk the track on my children's school field. As I was doing so I ran into one of the girl trek members and we had a wonderful heart to heart...I explained to her that I was a part of the movement a few years ago and showed her the emails LOL....I would love to join again this will be perfect.... I have an 11-year-old daughter and she tried to join her schools after school track team program but they ran out of space she was highly disappointed but this would be perfect for her and I to embrace nature together.....
I am a single mother to six children my youngest is 4 months old and it's been quite tough but I've been highly resilient..... My ex-husband passed away and it took a toll on all of us so I actually need this.... God doesn't make mistakes and me running into a wonderful energetic woman with a girl trek t-shirt and socks on was perfect to say the least.....
I just wanted to acknowledge that you all have some star seeds floating around here and that I'm joining the movement!!!!!!" - Rasheda
"Best Monday Motivation Evah!!!! It's giving 2 claps & A snap. So good to hear Morgan's voice. The insight, the transparency, the hope, the vision...the invite to surrender and practice joy. GirlTrek is sacred. GirlTrek demonstrates Black Joy. Black Joy is the fence that shields my self worth. My soul drinks from GirlTrek's cup of self-love daily. I am full. I am enough. I am thriving. With each step, I heal & watch...as haters FALL.
So-So Def DK | Peace & Plant Power

You have to decide who you are and force the world to deal with you, not with its idea of you.
- James Baldwin - True leadership is strong. Kind. Just." - D.C.
"Thank you! Your voice made all the difference!" - Jakini
"It's absolutely beautiful to hear your voice, Morgan. Enjoy the journey with your Cowboy. Separation from our holy source, be it Jesus or Allah or any other divine master is the source of fear. We each are searching for our way back home. From fear to love. Peace." - Sarette
"My God, My God! I am so Thankful to you ladies for sharing the conversations. This has made my life. I salute you and the other Powerful Women you interviewed. Yessss! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾✨️✨️✨️🤎🤎🤎⚘️⚘️⚘️🥂" - Susie
"Vanessa, I thank God for you, Morgan, and the entire GirlTrek staff. I pray for healing over your mind, body, and soul. I pray for a hedge of protection around every woman walking to save lives. Father, we need you every day. We as black women face a lot of obstacles, injustice, pain, and suffering daily we need you, father. Help us LORD! John 14:13 says "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." We thank you father for everything you have done, and everything you're doing. I pray for healing over Vanessa, father help my sista with anything that has caused her pain from a child to now. She’s your Child Father God, you created her for your soul purpose, you said in Psalm 55:22 "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken." I pray God that you release all the weight, pain, abandonment, loneliness, rejection, anger, frustration, bitterness, unforgiveness, guilt, or shame from her heart. Give her peace and let her rest gracefully in the wonderful name of Jesus I pray Amen!" - Ms. Baldwin
"To all my Sisters walking or rolling in integrity.
When I received this Mamathon Photoshoot invitation, I felt honored and privileged just to be part of something so empowering and uplifting.
Presently, I am recovering from certain health issues that are temporary. I know that I am healed because of Jesus. Yet, I am making great strides because of God, my husband and daughter and a host of family and friends.
I will have to decline this year. I decree and declare next year this time I will be able to walk and show up for this celebration of Moms.
Thank you cousin Marie for introducing to GirlTrek and thank you GirlTrek, physical therapists, home attendant and the love of my life my husband for helping me get my life back one day at a time. All Power all honor and all glory belong to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sisters are doing it for themselves.
Praise Report: I still need the wheelchair on long trips. I can walk with a walker and a cane since April 10, 2023. So far one-half of a block. I’ve lost 80 over some years now and I eat right. Thank you for all you do." - Deborah
"I want to thank The Almighty Supreme Being through Christ Jesus for you... I haven't slept in 2 days and I spent Mothers Day alone with my thoughts. Currently, I am estranged from my children for the first time in my life. I can't begin to put words into place that can describe the depths of my pain. Thank you for helping me to remember who I am, where I came from, and where I am going!!" - Stacy
"GirlTrek has been true to the soul from the beginning. It is an extraordinary group of women who have come together to support one another in many ways. I appreciate reading about the importance of how we can come together. I've had some ups and down but reading and seeing how much these women care, has helped me with a tremendous amount of understanding. Salute to the GirlTreK Sistahood like no other" - Jackie
"My Dear Friends and Women Trekkers. I’m a true motivator too. I’ve had 25 surgeries and I am fighting cancer again. I’m 62 years old and God is truly testing my faith. But, your letters truly lift me up higher and higher. Thank you for your comforting words inspiration and friendship. I’m in physical therapy and I’m feeling good. " - Dr. Bass
"I’m learning that we have to heal for the future generations and the past. The past generations didn’t have an option to heal, so much was coming at our people along with their personal failures and victories! They prayed about us, they cried for us and they hoped for this very time for us! Thank you for sharing. I’m challenged in this season with family issues including my beloved mom. There is pain in healing and talking about what hurt etc. But I’m learning that we must heal for the past and the future generations!! Heal sis heal!!" - Lisa
"Thank you for sharing these words and pictures. I was unable to walk this Mother’s Day because I was in southern CA with my dad helping him with clearing up and out my mother’s bedroom. She has dementia moving into Alzheimers and had to be placed."
- Lisa
Girl Trek motivates me to walk so I can hopefully keep my mind in good shape because this disease is horrible. There simply are no words to describe how this has affected our small family unit of 4 and our friends on the periphery. Walking is so very important to our health in so many ways….ways we cannot even imagine. Thank you for all you do. " - Jana
"Thank you for this. I too am going through a spell with my mother. This was everything to me. I try to put myself in her past life and the drama that she may have gone through to make her so heartless to her firstborn. So I appreciate you and I love you Sis from another Mother. Keep breathing and live in the moment." - Tasha
"I have been in a slump lately. I haven't been enjoying the weekly walks. Much has been going on, causing me to be distracted. I so loved listening in on the weekly historical walks. I can truly say that I am honored to have come across someone posting about this amazing journey called GirlTrek. So much healing in just calling in and listening while I walked. Serve well." - JoAnne
"When I read this, the tears welled up in my eyes and I cried. I have not cried or felt any real emotions in months. I thought I had become so hard, so angry, so bitter, so tired, so worn, so defeated that I stopped feeling, caring, crying, laughing...I did not care how I treated people or made them think or feel. You helped me. Thank you and God bless you." - Barbara
"Good Morning!
Let me say how much I love being a part of this amazing movement. My schedule continues to be hectic, but not to the point that I don't take time for me. Not ANYMORE!!! I make the tie to celebrate and appreciate me. It's all credited to GirlTrek. Thank you for creating this movement." - Denise
"AMEN! I hope to meet you both in person soon!
I got off of Facebook to get back to real life and be back with human beings in person again. Now that I off the book I have been seeing people out in the real world as I manage my way around in this abusive lonely world.
We can do this! We were born to be with each other and to create relationships yet the wold has us working to pay rents and mortgages and taxes! My motto is Live BEFORE you Die. That is what I have been working on for years now for ME!
I am very proud of YOUs! I love YOUs!" - Stayci
"Thank you. As a social worker, mental health professionals have been sounding this cry for the past 3 years. It’s refreshing and appreciated to see this is also the message of association through GirlTrek. Again thank you." - Erni
"I so needed this message today as I am wrapping up my mourning period of which this month my Momma, both Siblings, Aunt & GodMother, Church GodGrandMother and a young friend (murdered by her husband) were buried and besides Momma, GodGrandMother and Friend's Birthdays are this month! Meditation is helpful and now I have new ways to include!God Bless, Safe Journey & Keep Trekking!" - Robin
"Morgan, sis . . This gave me life!
I felt the same heaviness, the same despair when Tyree was killed. The air got caught in my throat when I read about Ralph. I too was overwhelmed. My senses fighting over whether to be angry or sad. It was a tie and the fight left me flat.
But this, this gives me life. If ever you wonder if what you do makes a difference (you couldn't possibly, but just in case you do mama) Know that "On today" you breathed life into Amber's spirit.
I walk er'day. By myself. Because er'day, I give to my people (I am a nonprofit consultant. I teach nonprofits how to stop self-funding their organizations and diversify their funding for long-term impact and sustainability) So I NEED the Me time. I am an introvert (the real definition: when people drain you) and my Treks energize me. My mind. My body. My soul.
I loved your story because OFTEN I have to be "On" for my people. To access resources for the Black-led nonprofits doing the work in our communities. I have to smile and get that money so that I can share my 30 years of nonprofit knowledge with Black leaders at no cost. Because it Costs just for us to breathe . . .
Girl! you know you be speaking to me. I got my shirt last week. I'm working on those Gold Laces. I like that "open the door and walk in any direction for 15 minutes" . . . that I can do.
Thank you for your love. Thank you for your belief. Thank you for your advocacy. But mostly, Thank you just for being you. You are perfect, just absolutely perfect. Your Sister" - Amber
"Thanks for sharing, Morgan. Some time ago, I decided that I would not allow evil to take my joy. It was the one precious gift that did not leave the DNA in the hulls of those ships during middle passage. If the ancestors could make it through that hell, so can I." - Sharon G.
"Thanks for sharing this with me. All I could think is wow! Again, thanks so much for sharing these inspiring tips. God bless the both of you, as you so eloquently express the desire to inspire us. I am taking baby steps. I still have problems with back, hips, knees, but I get a block of walking in. I started gardening from a chair, but a note from you leaves me feeling Inspired." - Sharon
"Morgan, thank you so much for this. I felt overwhelmed despite it all. I persevere. Today's song will be "I Almost Let Go" by Kurt Carr. When I walk today, I will hum, breathe and be in the space of gratitude.
I am working on my dissertation, and I received feedback from my Chair and it put me in a place of self-doubt. This email came at the right time. I will put myself in a place of gratitude and abundance and kick this self-doubt and worry in the butt.
Be well! My best to you and Vanessa!" - Stacy
"Dear Morgan and Vanessa,
This time, I could not read another one of your inspiring messages and not respond! Some days, hearing or reading about the death of another black person sends me into a rage. The intensity of my rage often increases because of my personal experiences. Before I learned to walk and meditate my way out of the "swarm" I would isolate myself for a couple of days, then surface. However, coming out of the swarm was not always easy! This was a recurring experience that took a toll on my spirit, my body, and my mind.
I live in La Mirada, California and I have been following GirlTrek because with your help I am inspired to move my body as often and for as long as possible for a minimum of 21 days a month.
In June I will turn a glorious 70 and I am grateful for the life I have created with the love and support of my family and friends. As a former Community College president, once I retired, at the height of the global pandemic, I felt lost. Plans I made to travel were placed on hold, then canceled. I felt myself engulfed by the "swarm" again, especially with all that was happening in 2020, 2021, and 2022. I felt the weight of my body become heavier and unhealthy. Then, I remembered GirlTrek and the power of a walk! Thank you a thousand times for your courage, confidence, and consistency. I know the work you do for us is not easy!
Please know that I am one of the women holding you up with strong arms and deep breaths! I also practice loving kindness meditation and will continue to hold you both in my heart. With deep appreciation for your wisdom, compassion, creativity, and love for all of us who are learning and growing into health!" - Linda
"I just need to say that I love you and Vanessa, the Movement, and all that comes from being a part of GirlTrek. When your message hits my mailbox, I stop whatever I am doing and read it because I know it will help me do whatever I am doing in a better way and an uplifted spirit. If my sisters before me came through what they did (thank you for those history lessons), then I can come through now. Breakthrough!! Winning!! Being Harriet!! That’s what I desire. I hope to have my girls join me at your next Colorado gathering." - Sherl
"God bless YOU! This is so beautiful and needed, I appreciate all Girl Trek has done and continues to do. Thank You. I love, love, love your closing thoughts - 'I don’t ask permission. I cheat death traps and design the life of my foremothers faith. I breathe deeply and find ways to short circuit chaos and plug in to joy.' Be encouraged!" - Rhonda
"I love this so much, I'm so glad that I didn't just say to myself this is another bogus group. I'm glad I didn't listen to the voice that told me to block this email group contact. I've been looking for something or some where to belong, but with a purpose. I love to help. I love to be of service. This is so amazing that these chief of ladies are working towards making a difference. Ms. Harriet Tubman's hard work that pays off through this amazing group of strong willed WOMEN!
I'm excited to get on the straight and narrow. Since my grandmother's passing at the age 85 in 2019, it's been a different feeling...losing our strong mothers and fathers. This will be good to practice and to make better goals for our sisters' health. There are always articles on the problems. But where to start for REAL solutions? My grandmother passed due to Pneumonia and my cousin being her care giver didn't want advice from others on how to provide health options to care for her. At a tender age of 85, her lungs slowly gave in to the bacteria. Well none the less, thank you so much for this beautiful news update for the GirlTrek women's group. I will go watch the videos from March 10th and the celebration of Mother Harriet." - Kitty
"My grandson and I walked today to kick off the challenge in the 45 mph winds and rain and it was awesome. I accept this challenge. Thank you Sisters for doing this." - Joann
"Greetings! I have to share this. I woke up yesterday morning feeling blah. I open my email and unexpectedly saw your email. Forgetting that I subscribed. Although I didn’t call in. Your message directed at me (I mean I know many women received the same message). I felt assaulted….but in a good way. I felt like damn they see me being lazy. Why best friend?? Hahaha. Anyhoo, thank you for getting my ass out of bed and moving. Have a beautiful Sunday!" - Daria
"Cried like a baby reading this week's 'Year of Yes' email newsletter. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For all the love, encouragement, and support, you unwaveringly give week after week. I hear the call, and will take heed to the mission." - LCulpepp
"This message is life-altering for me on so many levels. I am a 57-year young black grandmother now determined to walk everyday, to be there on the call on April 1st and to be a part of the relay Mamathon in September of 2023 here in my home state of Maryland. Thank you--beyond words--and abundant blessings of fulfillment and love in everything you're doing." - Mama Nef
"Wow!🎁🌍 Harriet Tubman’s 95 year old niece #YES❤️🩹Paused for the cause after reading these words in this piece, along with the fact my eye are fixed on the actual photo of Tubman's…legacy, her actual niece…oh humanity…best bedtime story experience since my adulthood, yes. This is like Christmas morning!❤️ This write up is the answer to several prayers I made within the last 30 days.🙏🏽I’m beyond grateful for this message on this day and at this very moment. Thank you ❤️🩹 healing season around here 🎁 this is 💯 heavenly. GOD bless the entire team, yes. Great work 📖 💯 YES! Again, thank you!☀️🌍💯❤️🩹❤️🙏🏽💛❤️🩹💐 Peace." - Ms. Taylor
"YESSSS....YASSSS!! I'm new to GirlTrek. This is one of the most powerful unity and community of women I've ever been part of. GirlTrek is a beautiful movement that gets to fill my heart with warmth and joy. My walking has begun!!👟👟 See everyone on April 1st! Thank you.💖💥" - Veda
Yes, Yes, Yes. I miss you brave, bold, badass women and I am ready to get back walking and joining the live broadcast. I have not stopped walking since I found GirlTrek three year’s ago. I will be walking in memory of my Mother, Mary Alice who passed on 1/4/21 after battling Alzheimer’s disease. She WON!! So, Yes, Yes, Yes… I will see you next Saturday… walking in Cinnaminson, NJ. Thank you for helping me live my best life, healthy at 70!! Btw, I have already earned the golden laces and will order my blue GirlTrek shirt next. Five days is what I do… if not 7!! Get ready, Get ready, Get ready. I am here for it." - Carolyn
"As the late Great Harriet Tubman was a freedom fighter and activist she too lives in me! In us! So as we celebrate 🎉 international woman’s month! I’m very humbled and honored to receive information from GirlTrek. I’m investing in my health it’s been a journey at 45 I was diagnosed with type2 Diabetes. Of course they “The Dr that is wanted me to take medication that would help but also harm my gastrointestinal system. Not! I refuse I told her give me 3months! I started walking 🚶🏽♀️ lost a few pounds changed my diet! Came back my A1c was 6.5 I commend both Morgan and Vanessa for this movement! This opportunity. I will continue my health journey . I’m taking Dominance over my body! A few of my sisters are committed to walking 1x day to 5x daily." - Talmera
"I wanted to reach out to let you know our entire school will be participating in a Harriet Tubman walk this Thursday March 9th during our student recess times to help celebrate and honor Harriet Tubman as well as Women's History Month and to highlight our characteristic of the month "perseverance". This walk was inspired by your amazing organization! Please see attached picture from our Harriet Walk. We had students holding hands and talking about Harriet Tubman! So inspiring!!! Thank you!!!" - Jerry/Westhill Elementary School Counselor
"Morgan and Vanessa,
I appreciate you so much. There was a time that I walked with y’all almost daily.
Life did me a bit and I could no longer walk due to ankle, heel and Achilles tendon surgery. 6 weeks non-weight bearing and 6 weeks gradual weight bearing. I literally had to learn how to walk again. Next month makes a year since the surgery. My ankle still swells and foot hurts. I have been cleared to use the treadmill, bike, elliptical and rower, but that is as far as equipment goes.
I can walk outside and get that vitamin D for free, but that feels different too. If I walk on uneven ground, my ankle will holla in about an hour. I will continue to find ways to move and mend.
I have been encouraging my high school classmates to eat better, cleaner, healthier and keep moving no matter how slow (just pick ‘em up and put ‘em down, one foot in front of the other and to find their reason why). I told them about GirlTrek, too. Some already knew about the movement.
Your message this morning gave me a little umph to keep going. Refreshed me and remotivated me to try again (even though my hips, back, knees, shoulders and that foot continues to try me). Imma keep walking to live.
Thank you for your amazing work! Looking forward to getting back at it. Be encouraged today as you encourage others.
I want to live!" - Grace
"I have been getting your emails for years. I read some but skip over many more than what I read. In fact, it's been a while since I've read your emails. Something prompted me to open today's and read it. I am so glad I did!
I really felt the "this is bigger than just walking, and we're going to achieve those other overall health goals by walking" vibe. Those aren't your words, but that's the sentiment I felt in the words you did use.
I wish I could link this email -- this article if you will -- to my Facebook page to share. This was so inspiring. And I read a lot of inspiring post, articles, etc.,; I'm a (creative) writer who sometimes comes off as an inspirational writer when posting on social media. Most times, I'm sharing information or thoughts that I need to hear or that I'm feeling at the time, and it just so happens to resonate with other people. Today's email from you was on a whole other inspirational level for my heart, my soul, my very being. I'm saving it to print and post in the office space of my apartment. I would go on forever if I told you every part of this email that inspires me, so I won't. I'll just say that I read, I listened, I heard, and I felt every word!
This is my day one -- again -- because of this GirlTrek email. I'm a 53-year-old big girl with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis who needs to take a great many of those steps forward and steps back. And today, my new day one, I commit to doing it starting tomorrow. I know, I know: "Don't put off for tomorrow what I can do today." However, it is the end of the day, so day one is my commitment and day two is the start of fulfilling that commitment.
I will focus on one thing at a time so that I can self dedicate to doing it and gradually pick up other changes to focus on and dedicate to until it all culminates into my way of life rather than changes that need to be made. The one daily focus has to be walking in order to see the other changes take effect in the way that you have laid them out. Walking is difficult for me given my weight on top of my forms of arthritis, but if it's just 5 minutes to start, it is a start, and I am committing to doing it.
Wow! This is nice. Thank you!
Oh, I've copied my lifelong friend, Sherrie, on this email because as I told her reading your inspiration reminded me of the inspiration she gives to so many women with the same purpose as a GirlTrek. Sherrie follows you as well." - Tara
" I will scream from the roof tops that GirlTrek saved my life!" - Lisa
"This has me in tears...as I sit here interrogating what "freedom" means to me and how do I feel it in my body with every breath I take. I'm so grateful to you all and how you love Black Women. Thank you for loving and caring about us!!! Thank you! Thank YOU! THANK YOU!!! - Nailah
"My hubby and I did our 1st #BlackFamily5K today! We had a great time walking, chatting, and working up a sweat. Hoping we can make this a new tradition. Thanks for the great idea!" - Jemille
"I love this movement and reppin' GirlTrek blue everyday. People tell me I make their day and give them life so if I can help one person move I accomplish something." - Carole
"I love my treks cause I’m loving myself!" - Colette
"I listened to the call as one of you was charged with hurting a woman's feelings recently.
It was an honest convo and a wonderful way to call all of us to apologize when we give offense. Our grandmothers would be proud!" - S
"Extraordinary podcast today!!! All of them are dope and wonderful no doubt. But this ONE this season! The Most High today told me to get on THIS one. As I listened, I could see why. I JUST discovered last week that the grandpa who raised me LOVED the blues!Also, you all mentioned at several year dates of 19 - 1719 & 1819, I think. He was born in 1919 and 19 has been a big, highlighted breadcrumb in my life for a while. I was raised in Arkansas in the early 70s & 80s by an AME preacher's daughter (no cards, dominoes, dancing, drinking or secular music in her house) and my grandpa who was a lapsed AME member (who enjoyed all of her don'ts). So, the dichotomy of those 2 existences has been my integration work. The Elvis resonance - white women in my writing group have been repeatedly stealing my work and it's been huge hurtful thing, but the Creator led me into this portal for powerful purpose. Now I'm collaborating with a musician who also loves the blues and we're creating an audible accessible version of the book created. He's adding blues and African drums to pieces I'm reading now for release. Morgan, I texted you for your sister's info regarding editing a few months back. Kairos season!
Thank you sistas for ALL you do and keeping it so authentic. I was deeply moved by the shares at the end of the 2nd podcast. I couldn't get through with the *9 or *6. Even that was divine as I appreciated Angelique and the other sistas' shares and resonated with them both immensely. Praying for ya'll both! Vanessa, I've had my eye on Paris since I was 13 years old and my class trip got cancelled due to a bombing in 1984. Super happy for you! Please share photos of the libraries! I LOVE libraries. Even wrote a song about it. lol
The 3 prompts-
Pain - family like Old Testament biblical Joseph's and instead of repentance doubling down.
Pleasure- crystal singing bowl sound baths and music
Praise report - being at the center of The Creator's will for my life and writing, revisioning my life and ancestry alchemizing the pain into art." - Soleil
"I love this group!!! Thank you for continuing to pour life into everyone you touch." - Laura
"My little crew and I trek in the beautiful green mountain state of Vermont. We are a very tiny group due to the lack of diversity in the state. I have been a Girl trekker for many years. I listen to the calls, interact on social media and share and support GirlTrek. I walk with my mom and a few traveling nurses working here in the area. We walked a lot after we purchased Fitbit devices and wanted to get some daily activity to beat some of the hereditary genetic things we have seen in our family. The mission became personal last year, and we decided to walk mornings and evenings despite the weather. We've walked up mountains, along trails, and by rivers and lakes no matter the weather. We lost my grandmother to Covid-related issues and diabetic complications last year. Walking helped us to grieve on those hard mornings mourning the loss of my grandmother. We walked, cried, and prayed on days when grief was present. My grandmother loved to walk through her neighborhood, standing at the bus stop with the little kids or visiting with her neighbors while getting her stroll in." - Shani
"I just got word today that I'm a finalist in the US Chamber's DREAM awards for a woman-owned business.
I'm just a fly on the wall and not remotely your intended audience, but I would NOT be in this position if it wasn't for your bootcamp podcasts a friend posted about. Morgan and Vanessa gave ME so much to think about, so much empowerment, so much great knowledge and kept ME walking out of a depression when I was trying to hold everything together that was falling all around me and into much more focus about the future and my role in it.
I am not rich (I donate monthly, but it's a pittance), but I want to do something for you guys - even if it's just to drop off California treats when I'm there for the awards and fangirls." - Kristin
"My Super-hero name is "Traci Surrendered", and I LOVE YOU BOTH ...AND ... I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT GIRLTREK. I was just going through my email and I wanted to share that I truly find these 'Monday Motivations' extremely Inspirational ...THANK YOU!!
I could just read and lead ...and be silent...BUT ... Your type of Leadership deserves APPLAUSE!! Consider this a standing ovation...Cheers!! A parade...and not just from me, but from so many of us who benefit from being a part of this GIRLTREK FAMILY! BRAVO!!!
THANK YOU both for showing up so wonderfully and authentically always. You are lovely powerful role models for each of us.
I am Super excited about my first Stress Protest. I feel like that scene from Pretty Woman, when she says, "I have already had a good time". 😀 ...ME TOO ... just going through that comprehensive schedule was sooo much FUN ...exhilarating. Such a wide array of options!! Thank you for offering different types of activities, for different fitness levels. There something FABULOUS FOR EVERYONE!!
I am also thrilled that I get to share my passion for storytelling, and I am grateful to be able to document on video as much as possible to support the GirlTrek Movement." - Tracie
"Thank you for reminding me to breathe. I've been on a rocky road for the past year and blamed everything/everyone but myself.
It's time I started to breathe again, and learn to live again. I existed for so very long, just plugging away, one step at a time. Today...I learned I have a second chance to do something important to me. Live out loud!
So...here I come...about to live out loud. My journey begins October 10th, in another state, in a dream job.
Today...I got the news. Before then, I'll be working on myself." - A
"All I can say is 'Thank you Jesus' I’ve met some amazing angels❤️🙏" - Jeanette
"Walking with Girl trek is always motivating. The energy is positive. the location provided a peaceful atmosphere with a body of water to boot. I am living my latter years at age 70 1/2 and my health is my health. GirlTrek is an enhancement." - Donna Marie
" I was solicited in 2021 to join Girl Trek by someone, who is no longer apart of the organization. She reached out to me to start a walking group in my area. I was honored to take on the task. It actually came at the perfect time because I was in a fitness rut. I was a gym head. But I had brain surgery in 2018 and I was in a rut and depressed. I was not able to do what I use to. So, Girl Trek in a since saved me. I reached out to women in my area via my Facebook and of course word of mouth to start walking with me at the park on Saturday mornings. I was excited to see the ladies that look like me excited to walk for their health. We meet on Saturday mornings at Heritage park for 630 before it gets to hot. We not only meet on Saturday we fellowship with each other on the regular. We actually have formed a sisterhood. Relationships have been formed with some ladies and you would think they have known each other for years. We celebrate birthdays, we do getaways, we pray for each other, we celebrate holidays, we actually love each other. So, in a sense I've been a unofficial crew leader. Can you please direct me as to what I need to do become an Official Crew Leader for the Slidell Trekkers. The Slidell trekkers will celebrate our 1 yr anniversary on July 8. We post our walks on Saturdays and everything. I have also walked with other groups to acquaint myself with other Trekkers. " - Nicole - Louisiana
"GirlTrek is so encouraging and motivating. I love what these walks do for me physically as well as emotionally. The Bootcamps are so educational. - Brenda
"This was more than motivational. It moved my spirit and ignited a fire in my soul. Thank you, God, for GirlTrek. Thank you Carla for the joy you bring to the table, and thank you, Rhonda, for bringing tears of joy to my eyes. When I walk I know that I am reflecting on things that I never knew I needed to reflect on and respond to and resolve within my own head space. I am even more committed to do the work, to support the national staff, and to rally more women to help them heal and to help them save their own lives." - Pamela
"Thank you to the GirlTrek team, I love your organization. It is a Blessing to have organizations like this to support, heal, and love Black Women." - Wanda
"My Self Care Journey began when I joined GirlTrek in 2020 and became a part of 2 Great groups in Harlem. The Harlem Sole Divas and The Harlem Trekkers. It was so Heart Warming to meet so many different Women which turned into an amazing Sisterhood. All of the walks no matter where they were was Fun, Inspiring, and Great. Good Conversations lots of Laughter and adventuring Walks. It is such a pleasure to be part of the GirlTrek Nation. One for All and All for One. Thank you GirlTrek for helping and saving so many Black Women and caring for our self-care and our Lives. Continued Blessings to you all as you continue on this Journey." - Karen
"I am feeling called to ORGANIZE a crew in Youngstown, Ohio. I have been feeling “called to action” but didn’t know the “how” or the “what.” Hearing Vanessa and Morgan speak about becoming a crew leader somehow resonated with me (I wasn’t sure why) and then the pandemic happened. I have completed 3 21-day Bootcamps and am so inspired to walk during the LIVE calls that I’d love to share this excitement with any Sistahs in my area. I was not born or raised in this area, yet still feel that Spirit is nudging me to “bloom where I am planted” (a recurring theme that keeps popping up)."
- Regal Ronelle
"I am so grateful for the GirlTrek movement & have following Black History Boot Camp for 2 yrs. As an ally, I am humbled & inspired to help lift women of color by coming to an understanding & be of service, we are all in this together. What Vanessa & Morgan have started, May we join hands & walk to health, strength & understanding!
" - Liz
"I was just about to post my workout video when I caught you on the "Today Show." First, your friendship is beautiful and beyond AMAZZZING! But, what I really love is that you are saving lives! Yes, you are saving lives by getting us outside walking and talking. (You have put into motion a giant call of healing for our community.) So, I have to be a part of this.
I am a big time workout enthusiast. I just want you to know I am in with you heart and soul!" - Rhonda
Thank you! Thank you! Nothing is more important than our health and peace of mind. We deserve that!
"Thank you very much for your wonderful Black History Events. I absolutely loved the session on Zora Neal Hurston. Learning that she captured the vernacular of us as a race gave me a new respect for the words.
My parents were so strict and corrected my brothers and sisters slang. The importance of being articulate was emphasized daily. Hearing the riff that existed between Zora and Countee Cullen helped me appreciate the struggle for us to define ourselves." - Lisa
" I love, love, love GirlTrek. The 2020 Black History Bootcamp helped me get through 2020. It was a safe black place that comforted me and strengthened me at the same time. I listened and walked to every one of them and felt so much better. I was sad when some ended up being only 30 minutes. Thank you." - Phyllis
"Thank you so much for providing the Black History Bootcamp. I would love to take college African American Studies courses even to just audit them, but with work it is difficult. This is such a blessing, because you always provide a wealth of knowledge that we may not even get in school You are all soooo appreciated for the amazing work that the entire team does. Thank you Morgan, Vanessa and the National Girl Trek Team." - Renee
"You all literally walked me out of poor health and helped save my life. I have told many women I love about you. I don't have a team and may forever be a team of one. You have no idea how you all changed my life but you will soon....May 2023. Imma keep walking till then." - Rhonda
"OMG! I LOVE [Black History Bootcamp]! This got me through Covid shutdown, or i should say 2019-2021. I soooo need this again and not for the previous reasons. This time, it's for ME. Yeaaa, pure enjoyment and enlightenment." - Cynthia
"I just want to let you know that I listened to your Kathryn Dunham episode and it spoke to me!!! Thank you for such interesting information, it really helped me on my walk today. Take good care!" - Keante
"First, giving honor to God who is the head of my life, to whom all blessings flow, the creator, giver and sustainer of life and everlasting life… from whom all good things come….. I would like to THANK GOD for placing GirlTrek in my life…. The sisterhood, the bond, the joy and strength from almost 2 million black women is something that is indescribable and to be 1 in a million is extraordinary.
The past 2-3 months were the most beautiful and challenging time of my life. My hero dad, my best friend, began his heavenly transition and I along with my mother became his caregiver. For a month he stayed in the hospital, for almost a month he stayed home. During both stays I stayed as close to him as possible. During those times I was always grateful, often joyful, other times sad and I was afraid. Some days my strength would give way to weakness, never trying to let on… I was afraid… on days I needed more strength I always reached for my SuperBlue GirlTrek Gear, it was something about the gear. I could hear the voice of Harriet whisper, You grab hold of God's hands and you keep walking, child… I could hear the voices of my Sister Trekkers telling me YOU are enough and you can do this. My Superhero Blue gave people in the hospital and doctors offices something to talk about - “Oh you are a Trekker? My cousin treks with yall” Or gave me the opportunity to talk about GirlTrek. When I could steal away for a trek with my Trekkers who just wanted to lay eyes on me and make sure I was or when I slipped off for a solo trek to trek with just Jesus and my thoughts or to trek just to release my thoughts and empty my brain - I reached for my GirlTrek gear. When my daddy was admitted to the hospital I had on my GT gear, when he was released from the hospital I had on my GT gear… all during his stay I had on my GT gear… he would jokingly say… do you have anything other than GirlTrek in your wardrobe?
So today, when I returned home to this beautiful plant …my heart was happy and my soul was full and filled with gratitude … from our ancestors to our sisters… we hear each other, we cover each other, we are our sister's tribe. Thank you,Vanessa, Morgan, Carla and GirlTrek Nationals!!! Thank you for sending love, light and strength to me, 1 in a Million!" - Frankye - North Carolina
"I am happy about GirlTrek’s #BF5K and signed up with no hesitation. With my Family being spread out all over the U.S. and Globe and this very unfortunate pandemic we have been experiencing. I’d like to host a virtual walk on Black Friday! Also, to commence my 40th Birthday 11/21. To celebrate Life, Love, Health and Family. We’ve had a lot of loss and grief particularly the week of Thanksgiving for the past 2 years!
Many Blessings to you Sistas! I am so glad and filled with Gratitude to be apart of such GREATNESS!" - Jesse
"My cousin Troy and one of his 7 year old twin sons were killed in a car accident on the 3rd; his 11 year old daughter and his other son are still fighting for their lives in the hospital. The morning of the 4th, one of my best friends from middle school called from NY to check on me, and we talked as I walked the entire 4 miles. The following day, I walked the distance to drop off my library books and listened to praise music, worshiping the Lord throughout the 30 minute trek. GirlTrek is the movement that got me to realize that there are healthy ways of coping with life’s inevitable trials. I’m grateful for the insight and conviction and obedience of the founding sisters of GirlTrek, and I wanted to share with you that, even in the aftermath of this tragedy, I’m finding joy and peace in God’s love." - Lakeisha
"I’ve been walking and listening to Girl Trek since the summer of 2020. It has been such an uplifting and powerful movement that I felt called to make a sizable donation. Keep up the great work." - Donna
"Four years ago I boarded a plane at DFW (Dallas) headed to Denver with an insufficient funds bank account, depressed, a marriage sucking me dry, and very little will to keep going every day. My eyes told the story. That weekend I attended my very first GirlTrek stress protest! I left the mountain forever changed. I will never forget how those few days on that mountain revived me, and it transformed my life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I returned to Texas ready to take my power back, and that is just what I did! The trip that changed my life!!!! GirlTrek saved my life! You do not leave the mountain the way you came!" - Tasha
"GirlTrek saved my life last year, so I couldn't help but reach out. Vanessa and Morgan mentioned on a call one day that another sister printed the emails and gave the book as a gift; I thought that was a fantastic idea. I put together the emails, printed them off, and am now starting to journal through them. I understand you all are busy, and that there's an archive and podcasts available, but I would love to see a journal with prompts come from this. In the emails there are already some prompts for reflection - these questions are healing and I am greatly benefiting from writing down notes about the amazing people in our history. I see myself in their stories, so journaling has helped me navigate this self-discovery journey as well. Because everyone deserves to hear about the amazing work you all are doing, I've begun a blog in which I can continue the conversation. I can't wait to see how our GirlTrek family continues to grow!" With love - Janiece
"I know this response comes WAY after boot camp started, but I just want to thank you. I didn't make time to listen as the podcasts started, honestly this is the first podcast series I've actually listened to. So, I've started listening at work. One podcast per day so I can absorb the information without overloading my wee brain and mixing up her-stories. Thank you for your wonderful content!" - Katie
"Morgan and Vanessa, I hope this note finds you both doing well and staying hopeful and inspired even during these challenging times. I'm a professional fundraiser who is passionate about supporting women and girls and especially women of color. Having grown up in the Middle East I saw just how strong women had to be to navigate a world that was dictated and dominated by the will of men. I had a bad day yesterday after being rejected for a promotion that I deserved. I decided to look for some inspiration and came across your TED Talk from 2017. Thank you for bringing me to tears and for affirming that it doesn't matter if I get this promotion or not, because I know that I'm going to lead a grant-making organization that funds incredible movements and organizations like GirlTrek. This bump in the road doesn't matter in the least. Keep walking, keep inspiring, keep being vulnerable and depending on your sisters to get you through it. You were there for me when I needed you and one day I'll be there for you when you need me, too." - Your sister, ally, and friend Rhanda
"This morning listening to Dr. Nash was for ME. THANK YOU SO MUCH. To know going thru all my struggles during 2019 - 2021, divorce, retiring, caregiver for my mom that lives with me is real.
I am going to be ok. I will get back in therapy. I walked in front of my house and worked out in my garage, while listening. It wasn't my normal 5 mile walk, but it was good. Thank you." - Cathy
"That was the most excellent conversation with Ms Nash! You asked all the right questions. When she made the statement and comparison about those who were not descendants of the emancipation .... she opened an entirely new perspective for me. I appreciate that you gave us the opportunity to listen in." -Anita
"Aloha! I'm so inspired by the sisterhood Saturday's that I've decided to start a team here in Hawaii!" - Allison
"Thanks so much for this inspiring movement! I have been walking for 7 months now and I feel I have gotten the hang of it! It wasn't easy at first, but it's gotten much better! I'll continue to walk as long as the weather is nice and I feel like it! Have a blessed day!" - Jasmine
"I’ve been walking with GirlTrek for quite a while now! All through Black History Bootcamp! You really helped get me thru quarantine!! I’ve turned a lot of my sisters (& sorors) on to walking & hope to start a team soon. For now… I’ve been walking solo almost everyday… " - Dawn
"I've been a member since 2013 and enjoy the mind, body and soul of healthy walking and inspirational GirlTrek arena." -
"GirlTrek is doing phenomenal work to support women in their quest to become healthy & fit." - Progressive Life Center
"I share healthy walk experiences with family, friends and in Prince George's County, I'm a breast cancer survivor and a domestic violence survival. This sisterhood is healing!" - Cammie
"I was delighted to see you on the FRONT COVER of my favorite news source, The Christian Science Monitor Weekly of July 5, 2021! Congratulations! I love you ALL!" - Anne
"I really enjoyed Sisterhood Saturday today by myself! What am doing for my self "satisfaction"... Taking care of my heart by exercising my personal "10" 3x a week and ordering some GirlTrek gear! Thanks for Sisterhood Saturdays! Smooches!" - Robin
"I go on FB daily now JUST to get my GirlTrek Affirmation! THANK YOU , My SISTAR

!" -
"I have so much I want to say, but mostly THANK YOU and KEEP UP THE LIFE SAVING TRIAGE! I love you all! Although it took me a long time to listen, your work helped me get out of bed when nothing else did." - Pochereth
"Thank you Blessings! Listened! Empowered! Blessed!
Blessings and Prayers back to you." - Evangelist Artherrine G. Hoskins
" I want to say THANK YOU for the Sister check up phone call I received months ago. At that time which I believe was around the beginning of the year a lot of things were going on in my life and not just covid which I survived once before they knew what it was and later again. We had to leave our house of 21 years because the foundation was bad especially after the contractors we hired didn't use the correct materials, my husband and I were divorcing after 24 years, my sister had to deal with cancer again and my mom who lived with us started having health issues. Even though my household was being separated I will say we were blessed to have family members welcome us into their homes. I truly believe God doesn't give you anything you can't handle but I will say that right there was a lot but I never complained. I kept a smile on my face went to work and continued to do what needed to be done. Now when the person called they didn't know they was going to get an ear full but God knew and he sent yall to me to talk it through and I am ever so grateful. So for those going through some hard times just know you are not alone it gets better with time and talking about it helps. And look forward to that big bright rainbow after it rains cause it will have your name written on it. Love yall.” - Kristi/GirlTrek Philly
"Today was powerful! I thank you for each step, literally and figuratively!" - Joy J Malbrough, PhD
"I was listening to your healing walk today while walking in my neighborhood in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and had to snap some photos of the Aspens mentioned on the call. The scars and wounds are amazing to me, and all of the trauma that Black women weather, overcome and triumph over while maintaining faith and hope is also amazing to me. - Lissa
"I am an artist and I recently did a campaign via Bonfire where all of the proceeds are being donated to GirlTrek. I am big fan of the work you all do and wanted to give through my art. I Here is the link to the campaign if you are interested in seeing the design
https://www.bonfire.com/bpeppersart/ Thank you for all you do!
- Brianna
"Saturday's healing walk was exactly what I needed. The space to know I was joining together with thousands of women across the country and the world, and getting my body moving outside. My Saturday started on a much more grounded and holistic note than it may have otherwise." - Nicole
"I lost a son to gun violence on June 17, 2017. I suffer with this pain that seems to take over my whole entire being at times !!!. It's like this just happened on yesterday!!!!! My son has a birthday coming up in May and the day of his death is coming up as well. When I look at the news at the other mothers that are having to bury their babies I see, feel, know and understand their pain. I pray but, sometimes I cannot find the words for prayer. I cry holler and scream and sob until I can not cry anymore. I am interested in linking up with this organization. What state are you guys in?" - Jennifer
"I will be walking on April 24th. I am 61 and I am so very tired of grieving and worrying and turning the other cheek." - Ms. Hoard
"I just wanted to say that this 21-Day season was incredible!! I loved all of the remarkable women you chose to feature, and felt grateful for more reminders of our brilliance, fortitude, and love. I also looooved the Mae Jemison episode! The episode and having Dr. Jemison on helped reveal so many additional layers to her life and existence that were very inspiring. The gem that I needed to hear from her "You have choices", "you can't self-care the sadness away", and sometimes "you just need to be still". Thank you and bless you for all you do! Much love, light and continued blessings to the GirlTrek team." - Ivory
"Thank you all for the updates, information, your energy, and your fire. Didn't realize how much I needed to hear some stories that acknowledged BIPOC concerns as well as those that also offered stories of Black Joy. We desperately need to hear those too as a detox from the stress and fear associated with surviving as Pan Africans. Sending love, peace, and energy to all of you and yours." - Kelly
"Beautiful work you are doing!" - Linda
"I wrote the following poem, "Walking Saviors" which was inspired by the most recent Black History Bootcamp series. I hope you enjoy it!!" ❤ - Adria R. Husband, MEd, Founder & CEO, Shifting Hearts & Minds
Walking Saviors
It is the sway of my hips
Like the illest Williams sisters tennis match
Feeling the gentle brush on my elbows
The ferocity of my gait
The world as my runway
Stomping like Naomi
Charging ahead like Queen Nyzinga
It is the roll of my waist
Casting spells, mesmerizing
Starting riots, exacting covert strategy in wars
It’s the magic and audacity of Miss Josephine
It is rooting down so we can rise
From Miss Katherine Dunham
It is the rumbling of feet on the pavement
Like the roaring crescendo of Gladys Bentley bringing down the house
It is tying up our laces
To move in the direction of our greatest life
Because we are the daughters of...
And have come too far, endured too much
To watch and see what happens when a dream is deferred
We boldly ask ourselves what it might mean to not live life in reaction to power, like Sista Souljah
We are relentless in pursuit of finding our Home, within,
So we can throw our hands up in jubilation like the great Diana Ross, with sparkly pantyhose on
We may have to cut a fool to get to our freedom and head to Detroit
So that we create room for our son’s genius to be revealed, like Stevie Wonder’s mama
We may have to walk away from a perfect life
To discover the depths of a delicious purple like Alice Walker
No matter our path
Or where our hearts beckon us to follow
The stories about our foremothers teach us
There are volumes of our history hidden from us
We breathe life into ancestral traditions
Sitting at our griots feet
Passing power from mouth to ear
Trading laughter for pain
Walking with backs a little straighter, taller
Committing vows to ourselves that we will no longer ask permission
To live
To be who we are
To shine
Leaving legacies so unfathomable
They call us magical like Queen Nanny & Harriet
With each step we take
Walking boldly to save our own lives
And while doing so
We save the entire world"
"The news of GirlTrek's participation in helping sisters in Ghana moved me to tears. I know the burden of debt when you have little income. I know the freedom of debt being paid. And I'm so grateful those sisters know that there are black women in America concerned about them. They are not alone. You just get a message to your Girl Trek sistas! Thank you for the newsletter!" - Gwen
"Thank you Sisters for your news letter and all that you do. I too have two sons and 4 grandsons 26, 20, 12,, 10 I have to bless them with my spirit and teach them to walk in the light. Even with my teachings they have had encounters with the law even as children. They both have jobs and families. I have many stories of police miss deeds to friends and family. Prayer HELPS. Protest makes NOISE. BOYCOTTS GET ATTENTION$$$!" - Melvina
"I must take a moment to say to the whole GirlTrek team~ thank you!! I see you, I'm seen by you, I love you, and pray health over your life's abundance." - Keyona
"First, I would just like to thank you all for doing this series. I'm learning so much about so many icons that I've known about in one way or another, and learning so much about people I've never heard of!
But my purpose for reaching out after listening to this episode has to do with your honest brief peek into being divorced. After meeting at 17 and dating for 5 years, I got married at 22, to the person I thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. After 2 miscarriages and the abrupt death of my youngest brother, I found myself in a deep depression and completely unsupported by my (then) husband. Needless to say... at 32, I was filing for divorce and felt completely broken (though my therapist has discouraged me from using that word because she believes words have power and that though I was in a phase of transition, my resilience could never be broken and that I shouldn't claim that word...so... I try to find other words..but in hindsight, and even in those years... that's how and where I felt I resided)... To give my youth and 20s over to marriage and attempted motherhood, only to end up in my 30s and far from understanding the dating game, I've often felt like I didn't have a tribe to vent and heal with because all my peers were now looking for forever love and trying to become mothers themselves. So to hear you both talk (a little bit) about your journey to and through your divorce during this episode really resonated with me and I wanted to thank you. I don't know if there will ever be a space to talk in more depth about this part of your lives or how both of you have transitioned through your life after divorce (and if I missed an episode where you already went into that, please forgive me, as I'm catching up on episodes that I've been storing for months..lol)...but if the opportunity presents itself, I think women like me, who have come through divorce and felt tribeless on the other side of it, could benefit from having a space to listen to other stories of triumph... because divorce can be a summmabitch!
Anyway...I just wanted to thank you for sharing what you have and say thank you for this program and its impact on your 1 million+ (or was it 2million+?) listeners! Keep up the great work!" - Anonymous
"It is with the gratitude that I send you this email. I finished the last Black History Bootcamp this week and I continue to be inspired by GirlTrek’s commitment to the work of assisting Black women to be and stay healthy!
I am a 65-year-old woman, soon to be 66 in a few months and I truly enjoyed listening to Vanessa and Morgan lead on the Black History Boot Camps. It reminds me of true sisterhood and straight girlfriend love❤️
I just want to share briefly, a little over a year and a half ago I found out that I had arthritis in my right hip. I had been a long-term walker for years and stopped over two years ago when I was in Atlanta prior to relocating back to Seattle. Little did I know what the real issue was. It wasn’t until I chose to listen to your Black History Boot Camp that I decided to take on the challenge of walking for a half hour. I found that my body could walk for a half an hour without arthritis pain and my leg going limp. It was just the health remedy that I needed. I’ve been walking every since.
I just completed my 3rd Black History Boot Camp with GirlTrek and it was AMAZING! It has not only strengthen my physical health but truly it’s improved my spirit, mind and my overall whole entire being. “Walking for Life has changed my Life!” This is why I put in the subject line “With Gratitude”. I like many other Black sisters changed my name back to 1996. I went through a naming ceremony at the “Mecca” that was then here in Seattle, Washington. I chose the name Nefertari for it’s meaning “Beautiful one, Beautiful Companion” and the work that I presently am doing and will do for the rest of my life...which is to be of service to others.
It is on that vein that I chose to write this email, to say that whether there’s 1 million or 10 million women walking; your GirlTrek Black History Boot Camp will be seeding many women and their families for generations to come..." - Nefertari
"I have joined the black history bootcamp. I am loving it so far. Learning and walking with these Ladies is so powerful. Just wanted to say thanks for what you are doing. I'm 60 yrs young and lived thru some of stories. I am learning new things." - Gayle
"I want to express to you my heartfelt gratitude for GirlTrek. The Black History Bootcamp has been the most enriching, energizing, empowering experience for me, especially in these times. As I put one foot in front of the other walking, breathing and expressing my gratitude to God, my intellect and soul is being fed about great women throughout our history. I came across the boot camp on day 5 and I do everything possible to make it happen daily. I am 63, retired and a newlywed and this challenge and GirlTrek itself means so much to me. I am going back into past episodes on the weekend and it gives me immense joy. I look forward to your walk and discuss content beyond the March boot camp. You are amazing!" - Sheila
"My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer last March. GirlTrek helped me take care of myself. I walked to keep it all together. He died in June……I stopped walking for a while. My resting heart rate showed that I needed to get back to it. This session on the Cosmonauts has been out of this world! It is challenging me to dream a different future. May all your dreams continue to manifest!" - Unknown
"I love, love, love the Black History Bootcamp. It's a healing ministry and meditation, and I'm in tears and my soul is elevated and life affirmed with every episode. And I love the ladies' incredible smarts, storytelling talent, humor, candor, and their camaraderie with and provocation of each other. It's one of the best things I've ever been privileged to listen to! I also appreciate how the sisters invite us to engage in dialogue with them. Thank you and keep up the excellent work!" - Ivory
"I must commend you for your obedience in speaking what Spirit laid on your heart today. I'm talking about the last thing you mentioned about forgiving, understanding and giving our mothers some slack because whatever transpired they were trapped. I must say after listening to Afeni's struggle I realized my mother didn't have any options at 14 being forced to marry because of pregnancy and dealing with sexism, racism, poverty, ignorance and classism. She deserves my compassion. I am so grateful for you and Girltrek, continue being obedient to Spirit." - Patricia
"I could write a book on how GirlTrek helped me mentally and physically. For now I will tell you one.
1. My husband left me on a Friday the day before I hosted a Super Saturday walk. I remember thinking, how could I walk when I was broken inside. The next morning, I put on my Ruby Woo lipstick and pushed through. Truth is, that walk saved me from sinking in depression." - Anonymous
"Girltrek girltrekers have not only been my inspiration but somewhat my new found family and its great to join a sisterhood in today's society where there's division and hated so thick that it sickens my very soul. George Floyd, Brianna Taylor and one of our locals Cory Jones and countless others lost theirs, but through GirlTrek I'm regained my life, self worth and greater sense and respect for life. Thanks for being there for myself and many others # one million strong/one million proud and growing!!" - Cassandra
"You Vanessa and Morgan and we all who walk with you. We don’t need celebrities, you bring the blessings of the ancestors celebrities who have given all Black’s women and families and all people hope and light forward. The simple work and joy of waking each day can change lives in health in emotions in knowledge in spirituality. Thank you always beautiful sisters!" - Jacqueline
"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the PRAYER EDITION Of GIRL TREK. I am a little sad because it's day
#2. I was already a Spiritual Warrior but NOW.....WOW.
I love having the Podcast on Spotify. I share and Invite alot of my Sistas to join the Girl Trek family. I proudly wear my Girl Trek Blue attire... I am a better human being since joining last season (Resistance) Sending you love and blessings." - Gayle
"Oh my goodness, if I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times, GirlTrek's Black History Boot Camp is so valuable. I know it's not intended for me because I am white but I am just fueled by it every day. I love learning about the history of my Black fellow citizens. The links you provide in the emails are also invaluable." - Joanne
"Just wanted you to know how wonderful I think this program is. It is deep, and rich, and interesting, and inspiring. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to learn along with you." - Carol
"As I compose this email with tears in my eyes I want to say thank you. I thank God for you. For your vision, your tenacity, your diligence, determination, encouragement, feistiness, steadfastness, for everything you have within you that you have chosen to share with us. Today, October 17th, is actually my first day of the Spiritual Bootcamp. I participated in the first two bootcamps but my job has been so demanding that I have not remained committed to my commitment to walk at least 30 minutes a day for me. This makes my heart hurt because of that. Listening to the first day of the spiritual bootcamp has made me realize that I have to do this for ME. One problem I have is I had gotten up to 5 miles a day but this job that devalues my position has intruded on my time and I have not been able to get in the 30 minutes, yet alone 5 miles. Now I have to convince myself that 30 minutes is good enough." - Pam
"I just want to thank you for this Black History Bootcamp. I only discovered it a few weeks ago and I must say, it is a lifesaver. The stories have been a saving grace, especially on days when I feel the world pressing down on my back. I recently listened to the episode about Nina Simone, who happens to be one of my favorite singers. When you talked about the fear that black women feel, it clearly resonated with me. I don't think that I have slept peacefully in years and it has recently gotten worse. Hearing Nina Simone state that freedom is the absence of fear struck a chord. I, like so many women of color long for that freedom and, are working daily to achieve it. It's nice to know that I am not alone in the struggle.
Listening to you share what our ancestors have accomplished on much less than what we possess gives me hope and strength to continue in the struggle. We need to remind ourselves that we are so much more than what they want us to believe. We are more powerful than we know, and that is what scares them. Stay strong, my sisters, and know that my strength and prayers go out to you." - Althea
" I absolutely LOVE Girl Trek. I just started the 21 day Black History bootcamp last weekend. I'm on Day 7. You ladies are really terrific. I hope to meet you one day. Thanks for inspiring me. I appreciate listening and learning. It's empowering. Reminds me that it's never too late to use my voice and my gift." - Warmly, Lylah
"I had to stop and say thank you! I received an email stating that you all would be walking and praying. You ask that we put in our request and I did! One of my prayer request was for a job. Now, I can't tell it all but what I can say is I had been looking for along time. I was so frustrated and tired of filling out applications only to received rejection letter after rejection letter. Welllllllll.... after I put in my request, I literally had a job within days. It was unbelievable. Thank you for all that you ladies do in supporting others. I appreciate your concern and your presence. " - Love and Blessings, Syville
"Maya has been my living and spiritual Mentor since I was 12 yrs old. I am now 65 and carrying her mantle every breath I breathe. Thank you for your carrying her too, on this Walk." - Andrea
"When I read that Oprah was going to be joining you today, it made me cry! I’m so proud of Girl Trek!! It’s happening!" - Samantha
"I was trying to send this audio text to you via IG but couldn't get through. I am a HUGE GirlTrekker!@ i love you gals. I was super psyched to read today's email about Maya, bc literally hours before reading it, I put on my GirlTrek sweatshirt AND my May's Angelou tee. Then a few minutes later I see Oprah will be on. I was mega pumped. So I texted anyone I could think of this audio. Wanted you guys to feel the adoration I have for you both. THANK YOU!!" - Lylah
"The Unexpected Warriors.....Love to Vanessa and Morgan from The streets of NYC💗💗💗GOOOO GIRL TREK" - Gayle
"You touched my soul during this pandemic. I could not have survived whole. without you, yes pieces would have lingered on with my soul. but you guys came at the right time. I am hurt by this pandemic and the political climate but I am whole and I am a warrior waiting for her wings . I have all my gear. Just lead me sisters."- Sana
"Since dialing in last Friday I have been inspired to a higher level. I am praying that God give me also the posture of Iesha Evans to stand strong in Him (God) against my enemies." - Wilma
"Not only are all of the Black History Bootcamps amazing, but the art work is simply incredible- May the Lord continue to bless you both and the entire team!" - Renee
"My mom encouraged me to listen to the black history boot camp and it has been resonating with me! I started my coalition which researches and fights to acknowledge victims of past racial violence, particularly unrecognized lynchings in my state. I was inspired after my attendance at the opening of the National Memorial for Peace & Justice and Legacy Museum in Montgomery, AL, where I met Claudette Colvin, Dr. Bernice King, and Rep. John Lewis. I partner with the amazing people of the Equal Justice Initiative on this work. I can relate to so much of what you say in your sessions. I too am SHOCKED that so many monuments of our history are in shambles or simply unacknowledged with the honor they deserve such as the Holt Street Baptist Church and Rosa Parks' apartment. I fight every day to bring awareness to the public about racial injustice and the significant roles our ancestors played. I am currently a freshman at Swarthmore College and I would LOVE to lead a team on my beautiful campus and spread the word through my coalition of the work that you all are doing to nourish the body, mind, and soul." - Savannah
"I happened on Black History Bootcamp because my soror (shout out DST) kept posting about it so I FINALLY read exactly what was happening and what she was doing (I thought she was walking the steps of Harriet which is a cool thought but I'm not ready for that - yet). I have just completed the August bootcamp today and can I tell you how powerful it has been for me?!!! I'm a therapist in the DC area and I have recommended it to SO SO SO many clients who are having trouble/fear just being their authentic selves. I really thank you for what you've done." - Tabbie
"I have been participating in the Bootcamp activities and let me say that the time with you both has been so invigorating. Just to write this email makes me emotional. I have been blessed beyond measure and I look forward to the days ahead. The perspectives that you both bring to any given topic, enlightens my mind and spirit. You both inspire me to be my best SELF and to stand in my truth. I want to extend to you a heartfelt THANK YOU!!" - Lynne
"Thoroughly enjoyed the call today! I saved this screenshot (see attachment) on my phone yesterday and it just so happened that you all quoted John 14 today. Wanted to add this to the power and strength of Anita Hill’s journey. She stood in her truth and in peace with her truth. This scripture is a constant reminder that no matter what, God is the source of our strength, peace, joy and all things.
John 14:27 The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.Thanks for this 21 day journey! I’m enjoying it and yes to Aretha at the end of the call! My Aunt in my head." - Judith
"Beautiful Art work! Great Women! I am excited every day to see the next message, read the stories! Thank you!" - Deborah
"I can't wait to hear this one. I am from Tulsa and used to live down the street from Professor Hill's sister. Her nephew and my little brother were good friends growing up. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to see ANITA, which told the story of her fight against Clarence Thomas and the Senate. She did a Q &A afterwards and I was able to meet her after the screening. I am listening on Spotify, so I am a day behind the live calls, but may jump on the call today. Thank you Vanessa and Morgan. Big ups to your talented team. You all are a blessing!" - Shelly
"I don't know who will see this or when you will get to this. Girl Trek has saved my life! I joined like Sandria in 2012 from the "Heart and Soul" magazine article and have been faithful to myself (self-care) ever since. You all took me to Selma in 2015...to the mountaintop in 2018. In between, you have cried with me when my body betrayed me. You held my hand in the midnight hour with emails from Morgan and Vanessa. (thank God, that is all she did with him, he is a train wreck. I'm just saying) All of this to tell you how much I love you, for real, and that my current disappointment is real too! For the first time in eight years, I stopped receiving emails. It really has me shook. I finally have a text group that cannot listen to the podcast live. so I text it to them daily. Yet finding the podcast is stressful! Girl Trek has NEVER been a stressful endeavor for me. Is it God, I think not. I need y'all more than ever now and I continue to fight this demon called cancer." - Dariah
"Hello Vanessa and Morgan! I just want to let you know that you both are doing an amazing work! This is my first time joining GirlTrek (through the invitation of my sister-in law who has been a member for years) and I must say that I have been inspired and motivated to move to action through your podcasts, your passion, and authenticity. Keep moving in the path and direction God has destined for you both. Stay encouraged and blessed." - Winsome
"Some white women friends and our daughters were interested in joining, but when i began the survey, I see that it is geared for black women and that you are collecting data and statistics on those who join up. I did not want to skew your results, so I thought I would ask if white women joining would be useful in gathering allies, or if it is to be a safe gathering spot for black women? We want to support and learn, but we do not want to culturally appropriate a space." - Janice
"I want to thank you for inspiring the women of color to get out and walk I am a covid-19 survivor I was in such a horrible place angry depressed stressed not wanting to leave the house I started walking tuesday and I feel so much better listening to the prayers and stories has lifted me up towards positivity may God continue to bless us all as we journey through life and may he help to continue to lift each other up." - Kem
"I cried I cried I’ve been in the room with sis Diamond and I don’t wear lashes but best believe they are ON!" - Stayce
"I have been with Girl Trek since 2012! Since then I have received nothing but support from Girl Trek. Especially the annual Prayer Trek. It's going to take me a few days to get over myself, as Morgan said on Day 2 "Trust the ground under my feet, the next moment is solid. What is real is the sky everything else is passing." God is faithful. The quality of support I have received has been as a real sister, auntie, etc. one of a treasured and precious member of a tribe of women that care whether I live or die. Two women that give all they have to ensure I live longer than my mother who passed from cancer when I was 3 years old. Today I am 61 years surthriving. I will always attribute it to Vanessa and Morgan, the beautiful daughters of Girl Trek." - Tracy
"GirlTrek is a powerful movement lead by God ! I hope you guys continue to grow and bless others." - Nikia
" This is incredible! God is Faithful. God loves you Ladies and God Bless you all and this wonderful Community." - Halima
"This is why I joined GirlTrek! I absolutely love everything about this organization. The photos in this email really touched my heart, especially with what is going on in our world today. These beautiful black woman praying over this white man in mourning without question! This is what GirlTrek do!!" - Regina
"You guys are WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL...! We are so Thankful to Mrs Edwards who introduced GirlTrek to the neighborhood in 2014/2015. Continue to allow GOD to use you, and Thank you for sharing your stories. Be Well Be Safe out there!" - Alexandria
"THIS JUST MADE ME JUMP FOR JOY AND SHOUT HALLELUJAH LOOK AT GOD!!!!! I praise God for the impact you have had on countless souls, and I pray that God will continue to shower down manifold blessings on you!" - April
"First, I want to say I’m white as hell! I signed up for this e-mail to educate myself & to be inspired and I am so glad I did! I don’t take the time to read all the emails sent but, I am so glad that I read this one today! It’s beautiful and also, heartbreaking. Praying for change and a better understanding by those who think they know but, have know idea because they have never been in the shoes of a black man or woman so, how can they? I pray that their hearts and eyes are opened to the truth of things, how they are, and how they have been and will reach out with love and help make a difference." - Jessica
"I am so proud of all of you for the beautiful information each day, this has been a great inspiration for me. I love 💗 you all, and keep up the great work." - Betty
"This is powerful. I’m dedicated to walk 30 minutes a day for 21 days. It’s a beautiful thang you all are doing." - Angela
"You have no idea how much this is blessing me!!! I hope we will find a way to continue after the 21 days!!" - Tina
"I count myself blessed to have been on this call yesterday. I felt the deep emotions of the moderator sharing Diamond's story. I'm grateful for the knowledge of our ForeMothers and their fearlessness and courage. Also, the vulnerability whilst standing in the eye of the storm with God at their back giving that push to give birth out of our labor pains to something greater than ourselves. Something that changes & impact lives forever. Sometimes that is written in history and becomes a part of our ancestors movement and legacy. DEEP BOW GIRLTREK." - Cassandra
"I just have say that GirlTrek is all of that and bowl of grits! Each time I receive your messages, I am lifted up—even amidst the current challenges, anxiety and uncertainty that we are facing now. I know that together We Sisters possess a powerful strength steeped in love, intelligence, faith and togetherness that will deliver us to not only survival, but a permanence in knowing that We are the ones who hold up more than half of this World." - Tonya
"I have been a part of this amazing culture since June which my mind, body and spirit has transformed. I shared and recruited other family and friends to join the revolution to live their best healthy life, and I will continue the pray journey for the family (GirlTrek). God Bless all that your have started and will finish in the name of Jesus with Love!!!" - Natalie
"Yes! This one touches my heart deep today, as I’m also a Nichiren Buddhist. I chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as well, for the past 14 years. Love me some Tina!" - Kelia
"Today, just as our call honoring Tina Turner began, the pension office called me for my pension consultation. At noon on a national holiday! I was on the phone with the rep for about 35 minutes and now I know I can retire on January 18, 2021 with an excellent pension and medical coverage. I could feel God saying, "Do you think I really need you to stay in that job to reach your financial goals?" When the pension call completed, I switched back over to BHBC and Morgan was talking about "We Don't Need Another Hero"! I'm done being a hero for my job! I'm done preparing for disaster! I'm preparing for joy!" - Ummi
"Thank you, GirlTrek, for helping me through the toughest days of the shutdown and for reminding me that we have ancestors and living spiritual warriors who have modeled survival, celebration and telling the truth about who we are and what we want." - Anonymous
"I wish this was for the whole summer. I’m loving this!" - Cierra
"Black History Bootcamp seems to be a thoughtful, engaging mechanism by which to learn, try to understand context the best I can, and gain some additional sliver of humanity that enriches me as a person and makes me a better person/friend/neighbor/citizen (and learning, in general, is something we should all be doing anyway). With everything that seems to be challenging our efforts to be civil and thoughtful citizens, anything that nurtures our humanity is a welcome addition to daily life." - Well-intentioned white man who would like to learn more.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For all that you do, I thank you.- Stephanie
"I've been in such a funk. Thanks for helping me find myself again." - Beverly
"I wish this was for the whole summer. I’m loving this! - CJ
"I was just told by my physician that I’m diabetic. I’m not being put on any medication. My physician is allowing me to do my part in control this and will recheck it in three months. This 30 minute walk per day will be a part of the control. I really honored and appreciate the abundance of accountability partners I’m gaining through girl trek." - Anonymous
"This is so powerful....and so right on time. Thanks so much for this initiative and your mission to help us heal physically, mentally and emotionally." - Ivory
"The Black History Bootcamp is right on time and we need it and the #DaughtersOf video with the Divine Nine sorority leaders is literally helping cope with the state of our nation tonight. There are many videos of the riots across the nation, this GirlTrek came across my suggestion and I’m taking this as a sign." ZsaMae
"So very grateful for the timely response and all you do! This is an awesome bootcamp. Very inspired. Thank you for this powerful movement." - Lisa
"I wanted to say Thank You! Thank you for doing this boot camp and providing this inspiring information. I am unable to participate in the live calls but I look forward to receiving and reading the Black History facts each morning. Thank you!" - Georgia
"Oh My Goodness!!! Thank you so much for starting this Black History Bootcamp. SHIRLEY CHISHOLM!!! The level of intelligence, wisdom, and respect for humanity is incredible. The way she called out what was right and wrong was Amazing. She called herself "Gutsy" and said exactly what needed to be said. The level of respect and awe I have for her in 2020 is unreal. OMG!!!" - Pamela
"I am loving your Black History Bootcamp. As a white, British woman, I am trying to better educate myself and further my knowledge of these amazing women in our history. You are giving me, and many other people, a safe and loving place to learn. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
- Sam
"Thank you, Morgan and Vanessa. I realize I'm not your intended audience, but I have walked with you both for the past 5 days with the intention of learning and honoring your experiences and those experiences of the people you are sharing about and honoring the sacred space you have created for black women. I gave a donation to support the work that Girl Trek is doing and to thank you for the content you have created for the 21-day black boot camp." - Tara
"A colleague of mines invited me to listen to Girtrek and it inspired me on so many levels. I listened to all 5 recordings in One Day! Once the pandemic hit and I began working remotely I decided to focus on ME! SELFCARE. All I did was care and make sure my husband, kids, friends, family and colleagues were ok. What about me??? I have survived some hurt and pain and that's why I am so strong. But strong people need encouragement too. You all reminded me again Self Care is a must. And I know I have been called to do more. So your calls to actions are a must. Thank You Thank You Thank You!" - Barbara
"I love the positivity in your calls to action and I love learning about these women. It's been easy to share, with friends and family and, most importantly to me, my daughters. It's all beautiful. I know this is a ton of work, so thank you, thank you, thank you." - Natalie
"I wanted to take a minute and thank you for this amazing and incredible newsletter.
I look forward to it’s arrival every morning in my mailbox. It is such an incredible way to elevate voices in a positive way, it is really what the world needs now and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!" - Brooke
"I just have to personally say thank you. Morgan and Vanessa- your vulnerability and openness has truly changed my meeting set on self care. Thank you. Morgan- wow!!! "Self care is taking bold moves and jabs to a system that was bringing me down" I tried to write it verbatim! These words has already changed my whole view of self care. Thank you for for letting me know I'm worthy. For speaking truth into our lives about how we should care for ourselves in the midst of fighting for the cause." - Jay
"Thanks ladies...I look forward to the remaining days...What Morgan said resonated strongly with me. I’m a widow raising a young king...I’m a under appreciated teacher currently experiencing sabotage and so done with teaching...I don’t know what God has for me but I’m in desperate need of CHANGE! I appreciate this challenge and look forward to a positive outcome." -Ray from NY
"I just want to say thank you to GirlTrek! I just started the 21 days walking challenge and already I feel so good. I feel empowered. I feel enlightened. I am writing this email with tears in my eyes because I feel so liberated. I'm finally coming into my own as a 39 year old woman, single mother of 4! I'm finally realizing my worth. I'm finally learning to put myself first and to take better care of myself. I'm finally learning how to love myself. Today my friend and I took a virtual walk together. It was great. So with that I'll say thank you once again for creating this movement for women to reclaim their life and their health. We needed this!" - Shannon, Jamaica
"Thank you so much. Morgan and Vanessa-God's peace and blessings be on you forever. I am 60 years old. You are teaching me a lot. You are holding it down. I am proud of you and I am thankful to be a part if your vision. 1 million strong Girl Trek nation!" - Rette
"I'm writing to let you know I just can’t Thank You! enough. Thank you. On day 7 of my walk and talk with Vanessa and Morgan, and thousands of other young ladies and women, I continue to be inspired, motivated, and overwhelmed with joy being a part of Girl Trek and Daughters Of. The education on our foremothers is phenomenal, and your movement is just what I needed in my life. Again, Thank you Girl Trek and Daughters Of!!! - Karen
"I always knew this to be true about Betty Boop being a black woman but never knew the entire story. Great information the world needs to know. Thanks, Ladies, this group is so inspirational!" - Meochia
"I just wanted to acknowledge a heart warming coincidence that brought me to tears when I downloaded the healthy tracker. I read the inspiring quote and saw that it was attributed to my Aunt Wilma(inlaw). I had not brought her to mind in a long time. Every so often during recaps of the olympics they run a short film on her status as The fastest woman in the world.
I cried this morning, but as in every other morning this month since the death of Arbery and Floyd, it was not in sorrow or dismay. Thank You for the memories." - Shirley Ritchie, Marietta Ga
"I appreciate ALL of what U all are doing by sharing Our HERstorical Black TRUTHS & SHEroes. I can comment on every issue that U have shared & will continue to share from True Personal Spiritually Empowerment to Our Reparations! However, the 1 that I will comment on today, Fri 0612/2020 is applauding & totally agreeing with the lady who said she will use her reparations to go back to AFRICA! This resonates with Me bcz that’s what I had said including taking My Family & Friends back with Me!" - Linda
"I am so blown away! The things I am learning there are no words to describe. Thank you for such a time as this." - Gwen
"I signed up for this after seeing it on Adrienne Bosh’s IG. I am Cuban American with no afro background that I am aware of. I am really enjoying these daily emails and learning about Black History. In fact, I hope someone in the Cuban community does something like this so I can learn more about my own history.
"I hope we see some real change in this country in regards to the treatment and racial bias against Black people. My late grandmother, when I told her I was dating a Haitian Black man, was upset and wondered why I couldn’t date someone else. She was not kind to him, and she blamed it on being mugged once in her past by a man who happened to be Black. Needless to say, I am moving in with my Haitian man next week, and I hope to keep correcting myself and others when I have the opportunity to do so - now with some more knowledge of Black History." - Alexis, Miami
"I AM IN LOVE WITH BOOT CAMP! Thank you so much for your compassionate insight to create this for us. I would like to share this experience with all the women in my company." - Tambra
"You Sistas are the REAL THING! I love your narratives. Somebody ought to be collecting them and saving them as legacy documents. I am out there walking solo when I can and with another Girl Trekker ( we are in full PPE) when weather permits here in Det. We are anxious to start walking with the others in our group when we get the “Go Head” . Until them, keep the Bootcamp going.!" - Yola
"I have seriously enjoyed this series. So uplifting and empowering with playlists and walking...the whole Shebang!" - Nikki
"I am really enjoying these series. It's so amazing and feels good to know that Black and brown women who earned a prominent place in history are having endearing and lasting places in the hearts and souls of those they LOVED and CHERISHED so much more than we can ever know. So proud of them so proud of us." - Carol
"Thank for the badge it's worth it my heart and my health is worth it. Again Thank you Girltrekkers of America. Girl POWER." - Faith
"I really enjoyed this week of walking and celebration of my strong black sisters . I walked 12 mile this week. 3mile for 4 days. Breathing in air. Praising God. And thankfulness of my ancestors. Thank you girltrek. Much love and respect." - Nelson
"I am elated to learn about the history of our black women. This is often either overlooked or downplayed when it comes to historical events. Thank you for sharing." - Ellen
"I love this organization and a lot of black women I know love it too . Thank you for all you do for us, so we can do for us and them #blackwomenandblackgirlsrock" - Judy
"Hello I've been watching you guys since it was just a few of you. I am so proud of your success. Im happy to report that I am finally well enough to join." - Thorpe
"I'm the only black woman in my family and hearing about all these women who did so much really encourages me."
- Aisha
"I am grateful for this opportunity. I got a slow physical start though I signed up on the first day. I am unable to walk 30 minutes so I was beating myself up about which paralyzed me. Yesterday was my first day of movement but I didn't it on my recumbent bike with the sun peeking in on me. I see many of my loved ones really getting it in and I so wish I was physically able to go all out like them and I am a bit embarrassed that I can't but I am not going to let the devil trick me anymore with whispers of despair...I am worthy of my time and I have to start now if I ever want to be able to walk for thirty minutes straight again!!!!" - Amelah
"I am the host of Downstage Dallas, a podcast about live theatre in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
My guest on the most recent episode got me listening to Black History Bootcamp. She is Teresa Coleman Wash, Executive Artistic Director of the Bishop Arts Theatre Center. We had a conversation about race and theatre. I am a white woman, she is black, and I was very candid that race is not something I am totally comfortable talking about. She encouraged me to continue having these conversations despite the discomfort. She said that was something she learned from your episode about Ella Baker." - Kelli
"I think this organization is so beautiful. I should have done this much earlier and this is the part where I'm still learning and humbling myself. I need to be honest. I signed up for this thinking it would be a good way to educate myself and move, but then read it was for Black women and I am white. I want to be respectful. I need to back track and ask your permission. I have donated to your cause because I love it so, so much. So much love to you all during this incredibly difficult time. BLACK LIVES MATTER. BLACK WOMEN'S LIVES MATTER." - Amy Kruse
"I was introduced to this bootcamp by a young sister (young enough to be my granddaughter) because she thought I might be interested. HOW RIGHT SHE WAS. I am so grateful and thankful to all of you for this opportunity of stretch and growth. I am not yet the host and dream of Sister Angela X, however, I aspire because her story has inspired me to RISE. She is my breath -- I am her blessing." - Pat
"Words cannot express how profoundly moved I am by this movement that you lead with such compelling power and grace. My life and that of my daughter and the generations to come have been impacted by your work. I am certain (or at least I hope) that you hear things like this all the time but it bares repeating." - Zeebos
"Thank you! This has been a very enlightening journey thus far. Is there any way that you all can continue to bring knowledge TUAU (to us & about us)? I have shared this with sisters that are sharing it with their daughters & conversations they never had as a child are being had now! This is a powerful movement...please continue." - Denise
I can't thank you enough for this initiative. I wanted to say thank you for including a trans woman in this conversation, and I hope you will consider adding more." - Tinisha
"This challenge is not only keeping me moving, but I'm learning new info as well. This is so awesome. Thanks for doing this." - Pat
"Thank you! When I was feeling so lost and alone I found your organization and began walking! Listening and learning and jamming on my daily walks has been so deeply healing. I feel alive and part of a history that is powerful and has uplifted and l states for over 400 years!!! Proud to be part of this legacy." - Tanesia - Albuquerque, NM,
"I just wanted to say THANK YOU! GirlTrek is truly an amazing organization that goes above and beyond with the support that they provide. They have the most beautiful volunteers I have ever come in contact with! I am so happy I found GirlTrek!" - Carolyn, Brooklyn, NY
"I am enjoying this daily walk so much! It was just the incentive that I needed to get me moving. I am going to hate to see it end

Can't you just extend it another month?"
- Pamela
"The quality of support is amazing! I feel the love from my sisters from another mother. Awesome work ladies!" - Pam
"I have physical therapy this morning, hopefully I can still catch the live, definitely the replay . I love my walks, I feel strengthened and empowered because I am doing something , by myself, for myself. Sunday I was at the lakefront, it was beautiful and refreshing. Thank you Sisters so much for doing this, I love y’all so much and salute you." - Patrica
"I have been a coach for a program called “Girls on the Run” in my Akron Neighborhood for five years. I will be glad to steer my young friends to GIRLTREK!! I am sending a donation by mail and signed up for the 21 day boot camp. Blessings this and every day and every success to you!" - Mary
"I just want to say this series is fantastic!! Some of the women I knew about and some I did not. Just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate all the effort and info I was fortunate enough to be on the receiving end to get. such great Black History and must say they are and were some baaad sisters!" - Umi
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. For this program , I miss judge you. The race will rise with your generation in control. " - Mary
"I have been educated on so much during my Black History Bootcamp, I wish the world 🌎 could go to Bootcamp." - Betty
"I want to tell you that I have truly enjoyed the “Daughter’s Of” campaign. It has been powerful, it has been insightful and a Godsend for me. I want every morning before your daily walk time, when I can’t walk the 4 miles outside, I walk 3 miles inside the house to a Walk at Home program, but I am faithfully on the call daily to here about my ancestors daily. The knowledge imparted has been astounding to me. I have saved each bio to use as a teaching point for the four granddaughters I living with here as they come of age to here, they are ages 4-11. I really enjoyed the 3 interviews in May. I have spread your campaign to my friends in Metro Detroit and I just want to thank you for implementing your vision. I AM GIRLTREK for life, words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I have for you and your team. Thank you!" - Carol Nevels Fleming, Switzerland
"Cheers to the Black History Bootcamp. I am 77years old and first time learning about my Black Sister. Thank you." - Rilla
"On the first day I just cried, walked and listened. I feel like Im home. Thank you." - Denice
"I must tell you how grateful and really indebted I am to you for providing so much rich history and helping us all to "get it right" this time.I can only imagine what a different world we would have had if this was all included and even highlighted in our history books. The American people are lost without it and we are just beginning to fight the good fight to regain our honor and make right the horrors of injustice that have followed us everywhere like a haunting ghost of depravity. Shame like this does not shed easily but there is no other way to be a country worthy of the great people of color who walked the walk and always modeled goodness. Thank you for giving so freely and building a new America,
one that resides in truth and justice for all sentient beings. I feel so blessed to have found you and I am off to walk for freedom, health, and the strength to participate in this righteous cause that will acknowledge our true though brutal history and celebrate the struggle onward. We will not be silent anymore!" - Martha
"You are like a new gift in my inbox every morning.
Thank you for this. You have reinvigorated me!" - Maureen
"I have found myself not wanting to walk 5 days a week but needing to walk 5 days a week. I am compelled to walk by your daily e-mail messages and the promise of your 30 minute girlfriend talk and subsequent Spotify playlist. It has meant so much to me in the era of COVID-19. The Black History Bootcamp has been central to my peace and purpose for walking. My friends and I would pay a subscription to support a year round GirlTrek Black History Bootcamp. The funds might be used to engage Black women in underserved communities." - Tyese
"What happens after our 21 days end? This trek has been amazing and Zi don’t want it to end. How can we keep it going?" - Pamela
"I am so excited and have shared with many of my friends. My stamina has definitely increased and I don't have to stop and rest as I did before. My doctor will be so proud of me. And I owe it all to you for keeping me motivated! Plus I so enjoy hearing the back stories of all of these fabulous Women! So good for both the mind and the body." - Jacque - New Haven, CT
"I’ve never heard a more thoughtful discussion of the Emmet Till event, a defining moment in our history, than today thanks to your broadcast. By joining reflection on Black trauma with the health practice of daily walking and talking with with trusted friends, you have created much needed space for BLACK wellness, health, and healing." - Gail
"I have truly enjoyed and learned from this Boot Camp. I would like to see it continue.
This would be an excellent teaching curriculum for youth and adults. Love Love Love It!" - Ellen
"Thank you so much for this!!!! I give you all credit and have been supplementing my non-fiction unit with the heroines of Girl Trek!!!" - Sherry
"This was amazing! I hope it happens again. In a time of frustration and anger and despondency, I learned so very very much! I passed the lessons on to my sisters, my goddaughter, my aunt's and my nieces. (I also passed them on to my brother's uncles and nephews!) Keep up the good work! God bless you!" - Payne
"Thank you GirlTrek for inspiring me to get on my shoes before I even realize I’m awake in the morning. It has opened my eyes to some more amazing women and the potential of getting my body moving so I can help make changes. I’m working to be a better cohort/ally/helper/supporter/Co-conspirator/human." - Jo
"I’m an African American women based in Paris France and I’ve been following your Black history month Bootcamp. It’s honestly been life changing. It’s like I’m listening to my best friends keep it 100% for 30 mins every day while I’m walking." - Faiza - Paris, France
"THANK YOU for the info! And Just FYI.. I LOOOOOVE..(and there isnt enough space on mssgr for the number of “O”s I need to adequately expess this!!!) ..everything about the Grl Trek movement!!!!!!!! The way you all are inspiring us to reach back to our past to gain wisdom, insight and direction to empower us towards our future is pure genius!!!! And the method by which to study their life lessons with the purpose of applying those lessons in real time is so powerful...and your balance of education and the real talk is perfect!!! The daily calls feel like family...like I’m in the next room overhearing my big sisters or my Aunties in deep conversation. I lost my mom suddenly this past December and my big sister the year before, and they were my comrads. So the sisterhood I’m feeling from those calls is frfr is giving me life! I just know our ancient mothers are proudly standing in applause because you all “Get It”! KUDOS.. Thanks Again for everything! - DeLainey
"You ladies are amazing, inspiring, brilliant, and DEEP. Thank you for your work and your energy and leadership and just sharing and being so real with each other and everyone that you’re bringing along with you. I’ve made a contribution and plan to do so in the future. I know you know the profound significance of your work, but I want to personally thank you for sharing this sacred beautiful space you have created. I’ll continue to support financially and be open to other ways I can support your work. You have an ally in Louisa, Virginia!- Susan
"Morgan & Vanessa, Y'all have made each and every day waking up so exciting for me. I feel more inspired, more hopeful and more present in this current time because of the inspiration that you have dropped on me daily. I appreciate what you are doing so much thank you thank you." Elaina - COO of The Columbia Center For Integrative Medicine
"I just want to thank you so much for this! I’m actually a white girl that a black girlfriend from across the country nudged into signing up, and I am so grateful to her that she shared this with me. You collapsed geographic boundaries and served up some serious enlightenment.
It’s been a great journey with you, opened my eyes so wide, and I thought I was fairly woke going into it. I had a lot to learn, and really appreciate you for making this so accessible and worthwhile. I am humbled and appreciative of the strength and vision of these amazing women you’ve introduced me to. I’m also deeply inspired. Just wanted to share my gratitude for the love that must have gone into creating this and the deeply inspiring world you opened for me, and hopefully thousands of others." - Sharon
"Congratulations and well done! I really enjoyed every minute of it. The information, the questions, pep talks and the music. I have a new appreciation and understanding. Thank you!" - Karen
"When I say THANK YOU!!!!! I mean a huge THANK YOU! I've been following this 21 day trek with you guys and I was hoping that you would feature Octavia Butler - she is my FAVORITE author ever!!!!!! And she is AMAZING! This means so much to me that you've featured her - please continue doing the work that you are doing - so many little black girls (and a lot of adult black women) need this! - Salima
"This has been just amazing. The amount of work that was put into these 21 days is so appreciated. I learned so much and was beyond inspired everyday. Thank you! I shared many quotes and stories and music i discovered through you. I want to say that i learned how much the white centered world we live in has hid these important woman and their stories and art from us. I thank you for broadening my horizons and changing my world view. I've been lazy about reading ANYTHING until lately and this truly showed how much I'm missing. I could go on but i won't. Thank you. Making a donation!" - Sarah
"Thank you for creating Black History Bootcamp! The last few weeks of walking, reading, listening, and learning have had a powerful impact on me. Thank you for all the Girl Trek team has done to put together the daily emails, walks, questions, graphics and playlists." - Marianne
"Even though I did not walk each day I have archived every day and will access in the future.
Thank you for this boot camp and what you are doing to engage all of us. I saw you on webinar with my Soror Glenda Glover and was so proud of you for including all of those powerful Black women. Thank you for bringing us all together and remembering that we all are together in this struggle!
This boot camp reminds me that this is like a college course! One that I would have joined eagerly; remembering Our Scholarly Activities Forum in 1965 when I was at Jackson State University ( I am going to be 76 in October) Keep up the good work and when the next series starts I am ready! Thank you for your untiring service." - Annie
"I have appreciated the support and encouragement. Also as a history buff, all of the shero information was great." - Vanita
"Thank you for the love, energy, and work you put into this boot camp. It got me off the couch, where I was clutching my bag of chips and bottle of wine, and reminded me of who I am." - Tracy
MY SISTER Has incorporated it into the household 'safe at home" BLACK HISTORY HOMESCHOOL CURRICULUM!
Oh Yeah, ✊🏾We goin' Learn Today!!!" - Maleena
"I must admit, I do my reading and listen to the music then I walk. I am one of those who can't walk and chew gum at the same time - smile. No, but on a serious note I like when I walk fir my mind to be free to listen to the Spirit of God. I think we are so busy and have so many distractions that we don't get the chance to hear what God is telling us. When I walk I pray. I first thank him for who He is. Then the person of the day that you sent in the email. I pray for all they have done for us today, I also thank God for their seeds. Ithen pray for people, situations, and communities as I walk through them. I do this on my going or if I am on the track or in the center - the first 15 minutes. Now, on my return or the last 15 minutes, I am totally silent. I listen for directions or a word from God. Yall, I have found this to be AWESOME and so very powerful. Even though God already knows to hear our THANKS of His Glory He likes and smiles. And we know what Happens when God Smiles."
- GM
"I walked and studied daily. Still walking. Still studying. Still praying. Still....Keep up the good work ladies" - Judy
"Wow! Eartha Kitt was deep. She reached beyond the hurt to make her voice heard!
Thank you for these informative emails. Learning what they wouldn’t teach in our schools.
I walk at lunch...also do yoga to awaken and align my mind to what the Holy Spirit wants me to know and remember. Your emails are part of my awakening." - Denise
"I am truly enjoying the girltrek stories. Each one of the stories has made my heart dance and my face smile. I am saving each playlist to enjoy now and in the future." - Sharon
"I have donated a few times now to your organization, as a way of honoring the black woman who raised me and loved me while my mother worked. My mother absolutely hated small children; Mrs. Beatrice Day gave me all the love a child needed and continued to nurture me until she died, when I was in my late 30s. My son was born on her 79th birthday. I miss her greatly; she died at 86 years old in 1993." - Dianna
"While I donate to honor Mrs. Day, I have gotten much more from your organization than I expected. Your mailings about black history and about self-care have sustained me in these extremely challenging times--and I am a white woman in her sixties." - Beth
"I am so incredibly appreciative of Morgan and Vanessa's leadership and the work everyone at GirlTrek is doing to promote health and wellbeing for Black women. I also am loving the Black History Bootcamp series." - Christine
"I am day three of walking 5 miles. It felt so good! I love it! I gotta push my self to keep going. The struggle is real. My determination is even more real! Can't stop! Won't stop! Thank you for all you do ladies!" - Ms. Miller
"I am beyond GRATEFUL! I learned more in your Bootcamp than I learned in high school & college. Thank you for planting seeds of knowledge and wisdom. I have never been more proud of being a beautiful black woman." - Tonia
"Thank you so much for including me in this boot camp series. I learned so much and could re-listen to every episode several times!" - Jenn
"I started listening to your 21 day Black History bootcamp this weekend. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT! What a great idea. I really enjoy listening to you guys chat. I feel like I really know you and you're my friend. I got my friend to do it to. We are in different states, but she is doing it. I want everyone to do it!!" - Lylah
"This is amazing cant wait to join this Friday. Im also on the cusp of completing my 30 day walk for the Daughters of Campaign. Grateful for this positive energy in my life!" - Sara
"I am in my 73rd year and was very present and involved in the last major black power movement in the 1960s. I must say that I have been very distressed by the behavior, conduct, language and mindset of the younger generations, until I found you 2 and GirlTrek. I am also pleased that you don't exclude us seniors and elders by solely using your gens' terms, platforms, assumptions and lifestyles." - Nana C
"Thank you. I am an Ashkenazi Jew and so appreciated being part of this bootcamp to learn more about your culture. I have recommended the boot camp to so many friends who also enjoyed it. Thank you for the opportunity, I am a fan!!" - Jenn
"Ladies, I am just catching up in this series and it has been so helpful for me! I appreciate this space to come and listen and learn, feel connected to my body, to the earth, to source. Hearing your laughter and joy and deep love for your community is so inspiring! Thank you for letting me be a part of it!" - Sarah
"A close friend led me in your direction. I just found out about you when I started the 21-day bootcamp and not only have I gone from 13,000 steps 3-4 times a week to now averaging 17-21,000 steps a day, seven days a week. I am walking everyday and feel so much better. I have thoroughly enjoyed the talks and it has encouraged me to walk more twice as much as I have been. Thank you for speaking to my heart." - Kimberly
"I must say I am proud of the work that you are doing. Racism and the killings of young black men and women will not end if no one takes a stand and i am extremely happy about the work you have done thus far. Soldier on, we may not be with you physically but our spirits and the spirits of our ancestors are definitely behind you. I pray for protection over your lives and it is time black people got up..." - Accra for South Africa
"I am on a prayer call with Stacie Grant out of New York City and she is thanking God for her involvement in GirlTrek" - Annette
"I am from Fayetteville NY. I convinced a few friends (4 Deltas, including myself and 2 other women, to take up the 21 day challenge. Most of us are still walking daily and discovering the beauty our neck of the woods has to offer. We take all precautions, masks, distance and sanitizing hands. I am afraid that I am not a fan of Facebook etc. so I have not posted our adventures and beautiful photographs taken to mark our adventures. Thank you ladies for getting this going. The BootCamp was Awsome!" - Sandy
"I learned so much, thank you for the history, references, heart felt discussions, rage, love, music, invitation. I passed on Girl Trek to many friends and family. I will see you with my walking shoes on, ear phones, listening to the next Girl Trek history of defiance, and in the movement forward.
In respect, thank you, love you." - Kate Warner
"Well damn, all i can say is…
I LOVE YOU LADIES! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU WITH MY HEART AND SOUL! THANK YOU! Lets do this damn thang! Heres to the power of the “Girl” in each of us! XOXO" - Tonia
"Thanks GirlTrek, I’m excited to start the 21 days Boot Camp again and although I am not in the USA at the moment, I reside in the UK I am more than happy to be part of this movement for the strength and integrity it gives to me. the meditation of grounding self and the challenge of walking into fitness and health, the power of resilience is more than I could wish for." - Khadijah, Daughter of Gloria, Eugenia, Tamar, Rebecca
"THANK YOU for this bootcamp, it has saved my sanity during this pandemic. I will share on all my platforms." - Audrey
"I joined the 21-day Black History Boot Camp today and walked as Morgan and Vanessa shared information about the mission and vision of GirlTrek and started the Black history discussion with setting the record straight about Harriet Tubman. It was amazing!"
- Dr. Watson
"Much appreciation for the work that you all are doing for black women. To that end I've made a donation through my charitable fund. Don't be shy about letting the community in Black History bootcamp know that you need financial support. I don't know Michelle Obama but I can come through financially :-). Blessings and keep up the good work." - Ms Bavan
"Thank you girltrek! Your orangization has been a blessing to my family. It has healed us and brought us closer together." - Queen Ebonie
"Thank you GirlTrek - you consistently give me life, joy and purpose! Our Bolingbrook Team is still going strong. We keep in touch on FB and through Messenger. Someone posts something everyday! I have to also thank you all for your insight to document each walk with a photo and post. Those FB memories are keeping us entertained and happy and somewhat sane during this time when it is not safe for us to walk as a group! I am loving the Bootcamp walking challenges! Vanessa and Morgan are my Sheroes! Thanks again for everything!" - Jackie
"This is a beautiful movement thank you for doing what is necessary. I'm listening to the past one's during my am workout and walking at night with the current one's. Looking happy crazy in the streets talking to myself but really to the girltrek community! Saying ”I am Harriet” and you better get you Harriet Tubman type Allies" - Sosa
"It took until Tues or Wed to get the walks on my podcast. Yay! So today I did Days 1 & 2. Tomorrow I’ll do 3 &4. And catch up to day 5 over the weekend!!!! So happy to be walking and learning! Thanks! And I reached out to 2 beautiful Black women - mother & daughter duo who need to join you guys and walk to health, self empowerment and Black History. I hope they will begin. Then I sent the info to two powerful allies. My prayer is they walk with you too." - Terriah
"You have changed my life and walking for health has become part of my life. You have provided such
fantastic content that I have tried to read and watch and listen to everything, so I am still finishing up with the last few women from the First Bootcamp before I begin this one. But I’ll be there soon, just not in real time. Thanks so much!" - Alisa
"Thank you..thank you..thank you.. I so very much needed to hear these words.. Yes this email came at a right now time for me. I was in my bathroom feeling some kind of way about my life.. My body ..etc.. I was not in a happy place. I opened this email and you were talking directly to me. I needed this life line. I started GirlTrek last year and fell off the wagon. A lady just reached out to me via email 2 days ago asking if I was still walking. Thank you ladies for the motivation I needed. 30 minutes a day is the way I want to live. I am excited about my journey. Thank you again. God bless you all."
- Tangla
"I opted in already and just wanted to say I am loving this – my sisterfriends have been accepting my invitations and they also are loving this movement. Thank you for getting the playbacks up early enough so I can access them once I get home from work. I love y’all!" - Keturah
"I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to walk with you during Boot Camp. I walked (usually listening the next day,) through the whole first Boot Camp, and am now getting caught up on the second round. I am a white ally, trying to step back where I can and listen, and step up to speak out about racism where I can. I know it will take a while to truly get rid of a lot of the "white fragility" that is woven into my being, but I am working on it through education. Boot Camp is centering me around this work, the stories and your discussions are rich and powerful. I am excited to use these to also help me shape my thinking as I get ready to teach again this Fall. Thank you again for allowing white allies to walk with you, it is truly a privilege!" - Ann
"As a preoperative nurse I am always caring and comforting others but I needed to comfort myself. Walking was my therapy! But while walking, I thought I needed to look into revisiting information on the Girl Trek organization I was introduced to while volunteering. What a blessing it was to stumbled upon your Girl Trek podcast “Black History Bootcamp”! I could not get enough of listening about our black history legends, along with the musical play list. I truly could not get enough of listening to Vanessa and Morgan authenticity and expression of their truths, along with knowing of their great friendship. It is truly felt. I so identified with Vanessa in her ability to overcome childhood trauma. Like Vanessa I utilized many self care books, prayer and my relationship with God to overcome my loss childhood. But it is hard!!! I admire Morgan for her courage to relocate to the mother land and live her best life, as well." - Aretha
"This ELLA BAKER segment was so informative and TOUCHING! I Literally cried while at the end of my walk!!!!! Ive always felt sn affinity to Ms. Baker and your presentation deeply opened up my spirit to receive Ms Baker’s depth of passion and resilience! And the utilization of SWEEY HONEY AND THE ROCK just topped off my connection to this warrior; our foremother; our “FIRE-MOTHER!" - Miss Jones
"Hello! I just wanted to tell you that this Black Bootcamp is sooo powerful! I cried as I watched the TED talk attached in today’s email. Keep doing what y’all are doing! I love it and encourage all my friends and family to participate with this movement! I wanted to ask how I can send a donation for the upkeep (grass to be cut) for Fannie Lou Hamer’s monument? And also is anything being done for the author-I think it was Zora Neal Hurston to get a tombstone? I think you mentioned that she doesn’t have one on the last call. I would like to donate for that also if so!" - J
"Hello. I wanted to share a video I made based on some thoughts that were inspired by your recent conversations on Nat Turner and The Azusa St revival. It sparked some awareness on some healing I need to do around black Christianity. I love these calls and conversations deeply and want to thank you. https://www.facebook.com/evita.sawyers/videos/10216562861175024/"
- Evita
"Let me start with just saying thank you! Black Girl Boot Camp crossed my path at just the right moment. I REALLY needed some inspiration, and I believe you are where you are supposed to be at any given moment. I appreciate you being open, sharing, educating and inspiring AND letting this white girl draw from that! Quick about me; I am the President of a social advocacy organization in Florida, life coach with a background in Human Resources and have spent the last 10 years as a Dept of Defense Program Manager teaching resiliency, sexual assault prevention, domestic violence and suicide awareness, unconscious bias all while being part of the department’s executive task force identifying oppressive policy, implementing change and educating the workForce facilitating roundtable discussions on racism. My purpose is life is to lift others up to help them accomplish their goals and realize their full potential. We all must realize we can not do life on our own, we need connection and compassion. I focus on connecting people, so I will be encouraging everyone to sign up for your walks! I just wanted to say thank you, let you know you have a supporter in Florida and that if there is anything I can ever do to assist in any way please let me know. I shared your info on the FB series Faith and Prejudice encouraging others to sign up for the boot camp." - Michelle
"I am a middle-age white woman, living in Minneapolis Minnesota. After learning about your 21 day Boot Camp, I invited other white women to listen and walk and then participate in follow up conversations (online) on how ways we can better center Black women in our lives and in our communities. I’m excited to share that nearly 100 women are participating. Thank you for sharing the sacred space with us. We see you, hear you, and stand with you." - Anne
"These bootcamps have taught me that I learn through storytelling. I am sure that others learn the same way and it is how we have told our history since the beginning of time. I am down for the cause.. how do I help GIRLTREK keep these stories DOCUMENTED and CIRCULATED in education?! As I was walking today I felt this clear as day in my spirit so in honor of my obedience, I am offering my thoughts, support and stewardship to make this happen!" - Ms. Da'Shaun
I just wanted to say “thank you” for the work you are doing. I look forward to your emails and feel encouraged on my daily walks. I have learned so much over the past couple months. The information you have shared has opened my eyes, ears, heart and spirit. God bless you" - Tracy
"I've been walking and listening and singing and testifying. I got more pep to my step. I've sent texts and emails to every sista on my contact list. As I walk through my neighborhood and on the track, I share the info about our journey to better health and stronger "resister" and the importantance of walking to the polls or mailbox to get our vote counted. You've helped to intensify my fire and "Ain't no stopping me now." - Lateefa
"Thank God you are telling the stories that we should all already know. These names, faces and history should be common knowledge!! I’m sharing all these vignettes with my second grade class this year. My students need to know more than what’s in the textbooks. Thank you for helping me be a better teacher, woman and human being. Much love to you both!!" - Rachel
I follow Girl Trek and on July 12, 2020 I put on my sneakers and started to walk everyday (even on weekends) and listened to the podcasts multiple times!!! And was so excited for Bootcamp 2.0 and loving it and now I cannot stop walking and I look forward to walking everyday!" - Shaunda
"It's a great experience to receive this feedback. I'm glad that you all have put this project together -- (literally) walking history is #powerful. You all are definitely highlighting eras, persons, and movements that were and still are monumental to our forward progress as classified Black/African-American and international Black folk, but most importantly, human beings as a whole with epic historical referencing." - Dr. Dez
"Thank you for organizing this movement. I am a black woman, 74 years old and this boot camp has inspired me during this unsettling time. I have lived through the Civil Rights Movement and it's so important that the information you shared for the past 21 days lives on to future generations. I have not been able to walk all the days because of the heat in Maryland, but I did listen every day while sitting on my porch.I have a cultural tours travel agency operating in the suburbs of Washington DC. I will be sure to share your girltrek stories on my blogs and hopefully one day in a podcast. Keep up the good work." - Audrey
"Congratulations! Didn't complete all the walks but I plan to complete every one of them since they are on Spotify. I so enjoyed the ones that I was actually able to participate and listen to (about 8), but even when I couldn't walk I still listened to the podcasts. I am the primary caregiver for my 94 year-old mother and I work full time. The resistance walks and listening to the podcast have helped to relieve a lot of stress, which I called deadly stress. Health statistics aren't very good for primary caregivers." - Melinda
"#blackhistorybootcamp Victory Lap reflection. I love the walk & talk because It inspired me to think about my health, also it educated meabout the history of resistance. I now know the importance of health & black history. I will continue to share what I learned & how I feel physically with black women & girls in community & networks across NY State & beyond." - Anisah
"I am 75 years old and thought I had learned all I needed to learn. So very untrue. Not only have I learned facts but I have been reenergized to better myself physically in order to continue to pay it forward. I could write forever but I need to conserve this energy to try to make a difference." - Maureen
"Thank you for Black History boot camp. Your work is inspiring and challenging and supportive in all the right ways. How can I give money to GirlTrek and your future projects?" - Lauren
"As a lifelong Eartha Kitt fan, I really loved how you shared her story. She was so much more than a sex symbol and you really honored that. Her grace and strength amidst all her pain has always inspired me. I also really appreciated that you mentioned how lighter-skinned women also get to be part of the movement (when you mentioned Harmonia), 'Our stories are so much deeper than the way we show up.' That was beautiful." - Saletta
"Love! Love! Love walking and learning with you two and all the ladies virtually. You two are a blessing in my life. You are lifted up by all the ladies who walk with you." - Roxanne
“I was dying when one of you was talking about your fly outfit with the matching shoes and fanny pack and then you were like “This has got to be the least blackest revolution outfit I could wear.” I was DEAD. I wish you posted a pic. HAHAHA You two are blazing your trail for civil rights. I love listening to you. I love spending my time with you. I look forward to the ways in which you will shape me and mold me so that I can better deliver for black communities. Thank you for everything.” - Stacey, Verizon Wireless
"This walk has inspired me to continue the walk. I've started my own personal challenge and will walk every day my body allows me to. Today I'm on Day 27! Your inspiration keeps me going daily. Thank you!" - Me'Sean
"Just wanted to let you know how much I really appreciate what the two of you are doing! Your Podcast are so inspirational and full of information that I didn’t know. It is my desire to work with kids in foster case to let them know just how important they are. I don’t know how to organize my idea but I am getting a lot of ideas from listening to the two of you. Thank you for the lessons and the walks! I walk with you! You make walking fun! It’s as if we are girlfriends on a walk together and I am listening to you talk. Keep up God’s work!" - Gwen
"Thanku women so much for your inspiration and ourstory i missed the first bootcamp and so have begun at the beginning back with june and what a beautiful surprise everyday i hope that michelle obama contacts you soon to be apart of this amazing podcast!" - Wendy
"I'm new to this group and missed the August bootcamp but Im catching up on the spotify podcasts! And OMG!! i'm loving it! You ladies have introduced to me so much history I missed in grade school, college, and the real world historic shows!! I listen to them while I walk in the mornings and have forwarded the links to a health group Im a part of! I love you ladies!" - Wendy
"After listening to the Black History Bootcamp and the acts of resistance I had the courage to finally take that step. Our ancestors have, fought, marched, been beaten and died for my ability to even be able to get an education and work in a university, how dare I walk in fear and not ask for what I want, what I deserve and be willing to walk away if I don't get it. I had my meeting and I know that this will not be an easy process (unions, upper admin involved) but she is now well aware of what I want and is also aware that if I can't get what I want I will look elsewhere. Listening to the asks of resistance was tough, as Vanessa and Morgan have said, but it helped me get that extra bit of fire to do what I needed to do and for that I am forever grateful!! I will keep fighting for what I want or I walk away!!" - Shamone
"First i want to say thank u Jesus. I'm 50 years young and im a survivor of 18yrs free of breast cancer. I'm a Praying women and i thank God for introducing me to this group of Strong Black Women. This 21 days have been incredibly. I've learned so much but most important I've learned a lot about my history and really how Powerful we are. I Pray that this isn't the end because this group have taught me a lot. Not only my history that i didn't know about , but how to Stand FOR SOMETHING AND FALL FOR NOTHING. Thank u ladies for bringing the Warrior out of me. May God continue to Bless this Group. Blessings" - Ericka
"I am a white woman who signed up for the Bootcamp. I learned stories I never heard in my history books, written by white men, presumably. Thank you for inviting me to walk with you. You have inspired me to keep learning, to uncover your history, to put the lie to white history. We're all in this together." -Shelley
"I just had to say thank u for all that u do and are doing but most of all I'm so in wow how this was set up right on time down to the sec with my own personal walk in life and how u was sent to bless and teach me with the things I am in need of to move forward today in my life and u know nothing about, or of me. If this wasn't a Devine gift I dont know what is I cant wait to meet and speak with u all one day and I will. I was listing today on my phone and everything was for me and it is me. I cant wait to experience this miracle we are about to wittness personal in these next 21 days. I'm ready willing and able. Bless u both and I'm grateful to be apart of it."
- Love your sis Aleshia
"My 3 daughters have encouraged me to sign up for your group! They are so excited to be a part of Girl Trek." - April
"You inspire me so hard. I just finished Yaa Gyasi’s new book, Transcendent Kingdom. And I followed a trail of bread crumbs that led me to two of my black sister friends. I am an ally becoming an accomplice, lifted by you two, Morgan and Vanessa, and your vast connective diaspora, building high, reaching wide." - Lisa
"I am Dana, daughter of Lee, daughter of Letha, daughter of Grace, an Oklahoma pioneer, married to George who was part Sac Indian. I feel the solidarity of this prayer time, and I thank God for your presence.
As part of my intension, I am connecting with the Black community of my hometown in Arkansas as a way to make amends and take care of unfinished business." - Dana
"I just wanted to give this testimony for today. First and foremost, I thank God for you all. Over some time now, the trails and tribulations of life have worn my faith and rendered it paper thin. When I received the email about this endeavor, I vacillated as to whether or not I should even participate. Up until this morning I hadn't even sent my prayer request in. But, God has a way to draw us to the throne when He misses our voice. I love praying. I define myself as an intercessor and I love getting into the presence of the Lord. However, the murderous policing, the injustices, the racism, COVID19 and, some heart wrenching issues in my private life has taken hold of me and rendered me into a state of spiritual apathy. But, thanks be to God Who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus! I received a report last night that my sister-cousin (favorite) had a massive heart attack. As the peace of God washed over me, I automatically began to praise God in the beauty of His holiness. The Holy Spirit reminded me of this praise walk starting today and the Spirit of the Lord began to minister to me and remind me of the charge of intercession on my life. I am grateful for this organization. You have given life to God's charge which instructs us to "stir up one another to love and good works, (mine is of a prayer warrior.) Below is an image of my fitness app summary from my walk today. In all verity, it reveals the God's strength being made perfect in my weakness. The Spirit of God gave me utterance to praise and pray from the first step that I took on the trail to the last! I am blessed to pieces! Thank you all. I didn't read everything but, I will take the time today. If I was supposed to be on a line I will find out. Again, thank you." - Lorri
"I walked to day. It was great! I am so excited that I did some social media posts and told my virtual community to join in and sign up. Thanks for all you are doing to keep us moving and motivated and manifesting our best selves. So happy to be getting involved. I so need to pray with others and so need to move my body after 6 months of COVID couch sitting." - Monica
"The first two days have been amazing. I am really looking forward Monday. I completed the boot camp in June and August. This all this was one year that I have been walking with girl Trek . We pray Gods will be done in all of our lives. Girl Trek has helped me so much when I don't want I get stiff. The doctor said as I got older I would get worse but praise be to God and GirlTrek that has not been the case. I thank God for Morgan and Vanessa and I pray for you on a daily basis and for this movement. Jonah and the whale. You cannot hide from God. He loves us so much that He won't let go no matter what He won't let go." - Jeannette
"I don’t know if you guys will receive this but I wanted to thank you for what you do! My friend sent me this email right when first bootcamp started and I wasn’t too interested but love my friend so I followed along! I am so glad I did. It hurt my heart cause there were so many black people I have never heard of but I am enjoying learning. I also enjoy your rawness and your openness. I wanted you to know that I have been granted to follow your lead and utilize a similar platform within the Kentuckiana Girl Scout newsletter. Every other week I will be submitting a piece on an important black woman in history. I hope to become part of the solution to educating our children and others on our people. Thank you for your leadership and your inspiration. May God continue to bless you in your movement. I’ll be right there for the journey! Love y’all!" - Trelisia
"I'm super excited for this whole experience and what God is doing in each of our lives. I can't wait to see His hand over the next 20 days. Also yesterday was my first day walking and listening in. POWERFUL...I was walking, praying and crying. I was moved!" - TeNita
"I’m a Dean at a College and we sent Girltrek out as one of the resources in a Black Student Resource Kit we sent to all currently enrolled Black Students!!" - Shatrita
"The walk today was awesome! I so needed those words of wisdom!" - Andrea
"I believe this type of positive, thoughtful and fun brief connection could be so invaluable beyond the 21 days to so many women. My experience as a first lady of a small church in Houston, TX is that we need continual opportunities to stay strong in these unusually difficult multi-faceted challenging times. Please continue to share other opportunities. I would love to share broadly to my network as I have done with this particular opportunity." - Idonia
"LOVE THIS! My daughter shared this with me and I just want to thank you for creating this space and this wonderful resource." - Dr. Jackson
"I absolutely LOVE GIRL TREK AND Vanessa & Morgan at Noon." - Gayle
"I joined GirlTrek for its first ever #BlackHistoryBootcamp back in June, and it was truly lifechanging. Listening to the stories of 21 fierce and fearless Black women as I walked though my city was a daily reminder that I can make it through whatever life throws at me. I was unable to participate in August, but I was thrilled to see that October would bring yet another opportunity to join forces with this powerful community, this time with a focus on praying for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world. Wow!" - Fabienne
"Thank you all for today's message. I was particulary effected by it as I was trying to give up. I have been fighting a foot injury for 6 weeks and have been unable to walk distances and while trying to heal I have gone in and out of mild depression. Your message today has given me hope, inspiration, and strength to keep going forward and look to the healing of mind, body and soul." - DeNice
"I love this! Thanks for following God's leading to put this together for us women of color. I am so excited about the unity in prayer. This is such an amazing opportunity! God be glorified! Wonderful day." - Jay
"You and your organization and girltrek followers are the embodiment of a dream I had in verse some time ago. You are warriors. And you remind us we are warriors, everyday. I wrote this poem almost a decade ago. You have built it in years and I have tears in my eyes. You, my sisters, are beautiful.
I am a warrior
walking through
the jungle
my gait sober steady
i smell the air's acrid fullness and know
the rains are coming
i don’t want to take shelter
the jungle needs me
and i am walking through the jungle
hear the thunderous roar sense
the flash of light waiting to snatch the sky
if it strikes it strikes
spread loving purple circles of care
like a lioness tending to her cubs
i am not alone
we are many/
and many have come
before us
clearing paths no tools
no maps
leaving behind paved roads and
sojourners in these states
sojourners on the earth
they blaze trails from freedom's door:
harriet tubman, “the original” sojourner truth, ida b wells,
madame c j walker, mary mcloud bethune, zora neale hurston, gwendolyn brooks,
abbey lincoln, fannie lou hamer, rosa parks, my great grandmother bessie kyles, my grandmothers lena thomas and loree armstrong, carolyn rodgers, my friend isis originile…
our spirits stir
ase, ase
diamond female warrior ancestors/
the numbers
like hairs on your head
cannot be named
and our spirits stir
we reap abundance of corn
encouraged by
faith in heaping spoonfuls of
foresight and courage
we fill dry cups
our spirits stir together
we are the children
we the living
sentinels of inheritance/
magnificent militarized minds
…when Power descends
we gather
will full
hand to hand combat
fought with hurricane strength
wit and intellect
courage and encouragement
each in her discipline
each part of the passionate rose
bursting through a burdened snow’s frost…
Shine on my sister ancestors
you are only numbered
by the stars on cobalt blue
Shine on
my sisters
we are needed in the Universe
to balance the Power of Light.
we are
warriors." - Much Love, Jacquese Armstrong
"I thank you for Black History Bootcamp, I am more appropriate and proud of who I am and what I can accomplish being a Beautiful Black Queen with knowledge I haven’t tapped into yet. Proud of new knowledge at 65 years of BLM." - Betty
"I was so filled by this 21-day series. I read everything! Listened to all the things! And forwarded to friends! It became one of the most enjoyable parts of my morning. I'm sad that its ending and I hope this space continues. It was transformative." - Aeran