Overcoming school stress. Your guide for navigating stress.
Do you find yourself feeling anxious and stressed about school? We've got you covered. Check out our five-step wellness plan designed to help you reduce stress and confidently navigate your school year.
5-Step Wellness Plan To Overcome School Stress
School can be extremely stressful, and figuring out how to manage that stress can be even more challenging. Before diving into managing stress, the first step is to understand and identify the source of the problem. Once you’ve identified what stresses you out the most, all you have to do is create a plan of action to defeat the anxiety.
Make a detailed list of your tasks and action items - be specific. Writing everything down helps clear your mind by putting it all in one place where you can easily see what needs to be completed.
Staying organized during the school year is crucial for a smooth start. It helps you reduce stress by ensuring you are prepared for each day and allows you to focus more on learning and connecting with classmates and teachers.
Being organized sets a positive tone for the rest of the school year, which can contribute to academic success and overall well-being. Here are some
tips to help you stay organized.
School can feel overwhelming.
Simple daily actions like taking a quick walk or listening to your favorite song can make a big difference. These small activities can help clear your mind and offer some relief as you navigate new stressors. If you haven't done so already, download the GirlTREK Underground App. You have a beautiful community of young women walking with you!
DOWNLOAD it today!
GRATITUDE and stay calm.
Find peace and comfort in recognizing that you’re doing your best. On your journey, you should always aim for success, but remember that your grades don’t define you or determine the rest of your life. Take a moment to appreciate the journey and focus your energy on a healthier you. Be proud of yourself; you’ve got this!
Volunteer Crisis Counselor & College Student Angie,
Shares Back-to-School Tips For Managing Stress
Disclaimer Statement: If you are experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency or fear for your safety, call 911.
At GirlTREK, Black women's health and wellness are our priority. Our community has many amazing resources. Our National Resource Toolkit is a starting point to help guide you on a journey of mental wellness. In addition to the resources shared in this toolkit, here is a list of Warm Line Directories for your review in the event you need immediate assistance.
If you are a minor needing support, please contact the Child Welfare Information Gateway for support and assistance.
The resources shared by GirlTREK are for informational purposes only and are not meant to serve as medical advice or to replace consultation with your physician or mental health professional. GirlTREK does not endorse any individuals or organizations listed above or referrals obtained through organizations or websites listed above. Use of GirlTREK's National Resource Toolkit constitutes an agreement by the users not to hold GirlTREK, any of its employees, volunteers, or officers liable or responsible for information obtained through the resources below by persons or entities not associated with GirlTREK.