Trekkers are navigating trails, parks, and sidewalks in extreme heat as the summer sun blazes across the United States. While we want to stay active, it's crucial to prioritize safety and self-care. Here are some essential tips to stay healthy in the summer heat.
1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
- Drink Plenty of Water: Carry more water than you need. Aim to drink at least 33 ounces (2 16-ounce water bottles) per hour during intense activity.
- Limit alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, as they can cause dehydration.
- Electrolytes Are Key: Sweat depletes your body of essential salts and minerals. Consider carrying electrolyte tablets or drinks to replenish these lost nutrients.
2. Dress Appropriately
- Lightweight, Breathable Clothing: Wear moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you cool and dry.
- Wide-Brimmed Hats and Sunglasses: Protect your face and eyes from the sun's harsh rays.
- Sunblock: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and reapply every two hours.
3. Plan Your Trek Wisely
- Start Early or Late: To avoid the midday sun, start your walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If necessary, take your walk indoors by heading to your local mall.
- Shorter Routes: Consider choosing shorter, shadier trails that offer relief from direct sunlight.
- Check Weather Forecasts: Be aware of heat advisories and extreme weather warnings.
4. Pace Yourself
- Take Frequent Breaks: Rest in the shade whenever possible to cool down.
- Listen to Your Body: If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or excessively tired, stop and rest. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions that require immediate attention. (See #7, below.)
5. Fuel Your Body
- Balanced Snacks: Carry snacks high in complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Trail mix, energy bars, and dried fruits are excellent choices.
- Small, Frequent Meals: Instead of eating large meals, opt for smaller, frequent snacks to keep your energy levels steady.
6. Be A Sister's Keeper
- Trek with a Friend: Walking with your GirlTREK sisters makes the experience more enjoyable and ensures you have someone to help in an emergency.
- Set up In Case of Emergency (ICE) information on your phone. This information can be a lifesaver if you walk alone or with the Sisterhood. Instructions for iPhone and Android are available here.
7. Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illness
- Heat Exhaustion: Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale and clammy skin, fast or weak pulse, nausea, and fainting. Move to a cooler location, drink water, and apply cool, wet cloths to the body.
- Heatstroke: Symptoms include high body temperature (above 103°F), hot, red, dry, or damp skin, rapid and strong pulse, and possible unconsciousness. Heatstroke is a medical emergency—call 911 immediately.
8. Stay Informed
- Local Updates: Keep abreast of local news and park alerts regarding trail conditions and weather changes.
These self-care tips will equip you to handle the heatwave and make the most of your trekking experiences. Stay safe, stay cool, and keep on Trekking!